Search for tag: "efficiency"

MEM Lunch and Learn: Economic Choice Models to Learn Customer Preferences (R. Daziano)

This talk will overview supervised statistical learning of customer preferences through choice experiments and discrete choice models. Empirical applications of inference on economic value of this…

From  Alexis Vargas 11 plays

Systems Conversations on 11/04/2022: Dr. Longqi Yang

From  Michael Bell 0 plays

Systems Conversation on 3/1/2019: Kristan Reed

From  E. Cornelius 2 plays

Systems Conversation on 9/22/2017: Prodromos Daoutidis

Title: Energy Efficiency & Sustainability: New Vistas for Systems & Control Research Abstract: Energy efficiency and sustainability are major factors towards mitigating the depletion of…

From  E. Cornelius 3 plays

Cody Capalongo - CIT Excel Data Sorting with Python

From  Ron Henry 28 plays

ANSC 605: Lecture 39

From  Kelly Heath 2 plays

ANSC 605: Lecture 35

From  Kelly Heath 5 plays

ANSC 403: Lecture 7- Tropical Legume Browses (Trees). Ecological Factors influencing development of grasslands origin & Movement of grass & legumes, Origin of grazing

From  Kelly Heath 7 plays

2021-10-04 - BEE 6940 Lecture 20

Zoom Recording ID: 6112800502 UUID: 7S5JqKLsQGu8YLrOl6lImQ== Meeting Time: 2021-11-03T19:07:20Z

From  Buz Barstow 3 plays

2021 NNCI REU Convocation, Francesca Bard's Presentation

2021 NNCI REU Convocation, Francesca Bard's Presentation; Cornell NanoScale Facility (CNF) Summer Student with the Ober Research Group

From  Melanie-Claire Mallison 46 plays

Frank Gao, Elizabeth Jung, Hannah Tsay - PMO Project Lifecycle

From  Ron Henry 39 plays

3.12.21 Sid Banerjee, Cornell University

Zoom Recording ID: 94765771101 UUID: Fg7VZ2EMT7eDtxZJsPmW1Q== Meeting Time: 2021-03-12T16:15:22Z

From  Jordan Staiti 206 plays

AEM 2000 Contemporary Controversies in the Global Economy (2021SP) Lecture

Zoom Recording ID: 94155485003 UUID: ZLYjyM5NQGieGyNwFPP8Bg== Meeting Time: 2021-02-15T16:10:08Z

From  Chris Barrett 10 plays

CaSE August Meeting

Zoom Recording ID: 3158575918 UUID: s4k5LO08S4OFgRGIdHWodw== Meeting Time: 2020-08-06T20:06:24Z

From  Terrance Carroll 3 plays

Johnson COVID-19: Supply Chain, Prof. Vishal Gaur

From  Safiyyah Abdul Hamid 55 plays

CaSE July Meeting

Zoom Recording ID: 3158575918 UUID: +5g5q1I6QKqTpsAgRKXfMg== Meeting Time: 2020-07-02T20:48:53Z

From  Terrance Carroll 5 plays