Zoom Recording ID: 95715603097
UUID: f8yLHzYNQziDc/kgrmB5rQ==
Meeting Time: 2024-04-16 03:52:33pmGMT
Zoom Recording ID: 99112598706
UUID: WtbdV4vcQm2wiEdA6m1NGA==
Meeting Time: 2024-04-10 03:48:29pmGMT
Zoom Recording ID: 99270860597
UUID: M/CxiOuIRCm8fYnlf6GC/g==
Meeting Time: 2024-03-27 03:48:29pmGMT
Zoom Recording ID: 99585096475
UUID: aOa/VZPoTGeacgbop2Doqw==
Meeting Time: 2024-03-14 03:30:35pmGMT
Zoom Recording ID: 93519414146
UUID: hrOThRFVQ9yUE3tzdNH6rw==
Meeting Time: 2024-03-19 03:47:22pmGMT
Zoom Recording ID: 93557789527
UUID: tHd3NxS3Qki3Ea+9QUGnuQ==
Meeting Time: 2021-09-30T12:44:40Z
Toward Sustainable Food and Chemical Productions via Systems Engineering Approaches In 2050, the global population is expected to increase by 2 billion people to 10 billion. This puts unprecedented…
Zoom Recording ID: 94996923255
UUID: rspY7LWHQ6+NTlwklkO/Xw==
Meeting Time: 2023-05-15 02:10:09pmGMT
Zoom Recording ID: 94189973093
UUID: xoMF2csdRr2xxMLrFW0a0w==
Meeting Time: 2023-04-24 03:50:50pmGMT
Zoom Recording ID: 98011809524
UUID: UAqyXwe9TcmrZi8Rq7cidg==
Meeting Time: 2023-04-06 03:50:08pmGMT
Zoom Recording ID: 94067662529
Meeting Time: 2023-04-05 03:49:45pmGMT
Moderator: Dominic Woolf, Senior Research Associate, School of Integrative Plant Science Soil and Crop Sciences Section, Cornell University Guest Speakers: Emma Fuller, Corteva, Carbon and Ecosystem…
Moderator: Diane Bailey, Communication, Cornell UniversityGuest Speakers: David Lobell, Professor of Earth System Science, Stanford University/ Gloria and Richard Kushel Director of the Center on…
A webinar hosted on August 30, 2022 giving information related to the newly updated New York State Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation General Permit. Hosts and presenters include: Cornell…