Search for tag: "lecture"
Contextualizing the Problems of the Engineering Curriculum | 2024 Bovay Lecture | Jon Leydens (Colorado School of Mines)The Sue and Harry Bovay Lecture on the History and Ethics of Engineering is an annual event that brings distinguished speakers to Cornell to provoke thought and conversation around social and ethical…
From Trystan Goetze
41 plays
2023 DFT Summer School Theory Lecture 1 and 2Zoom Recording ID: 94961817596 UUID: L5BtwfWoR9iDCKQaM9VB0A== Meeting Time: 2023-07-24 01:09:16pmGMT
From James Overhiser
275 plays
New Voices and New Venues: Organizing Against the Assault on Democratic Principles - 2022 Milton R. Konvitz LectureNew Voices and New Venues: Organizing Against the Assault on Democratic Principles Dr. Basil Smikle Jr. is a Distinguished Lecturer and Director of the Public Policy Program at the Roosevelt…
From Jon Stern
56 plays
What works: Classroom polling ideas to engage students (part 5)Useful questions for all three panelists Topics: Rephrasing polling questions, To grade or not to grade?, Involving TA's in polling, Explaining why answers are right and wrong, Pre-lecture…
From Zach Butler
67 plays
What works: Classroom polling ideas to engage students (part 3)Hadas Ritz, Senior Lecturer, Mechanical and Aerospace EngineeringPolling Presentation with Q&A
From Zach Butler
194 plays
What works: Classroom polling ideas to engage students (part 2)Natasha Holmes, Assistant Professor, Physics Polling Presentation with Q&A
From Zach Butler
419 plays
2021-10-04 - BEE 6940 Lecture 20Zoom Recording ID: 6112800502 UUID: 7S5JqKLsQGu8YLrOl6lImQ== Meeting Time: 2021-11-03T19:07:20Z
From Buz Barstow
3 plays
China Agricultural UniversityZoom Recording ID: 96524215539 UUID: g4fplvykRBeg0963aFVHRg== Meeting Time: 2021-08-17T11:46:49Z
From Kathleen Landy
10 plays
PARADIM DFT Summer School 2021 - Running simulations on local machines & Practical Office Hours - July 14, 2021PARADIM DFT Summer School 2021 - Running simulations on local machines & Practical Office Hours - July 14, 2021 - Betül Pamuk
From Brenda Fisher
189 plays
PARADIM DFT Summer School 2021 - Practical Lecture 2 - Equilibrium StructuresPARADIM DFT Summer School 2021 - Practical Lecture 2 - Equilibrium Structures - Betül Pamuk
From Brenda Fisher
213 plays
CIS Building Committee meetingsZoom Recording ID: 97267791973 UUID: Qcf9JEVJSKCOj70S60haJQ== Meeting Time: 2021-06-08T14:52:09Z
From Susan Evans
3 plays