Search for tag: "income"

Fall 2023 PIN Seminar: Dr. Jacquelyn Bedsaul-Fryer, PhD

September 14, 2023, "Precision Nutrition: Applications and Opportunities for Low- and Middle-Income Countries to Help Mitigate Nutrition and Health Challenges"

From  Anna Bennett 4 plays

Geospatial Analysis - Mapping Census Data in R

GIthub page. file named 'Geospatial 2.Rmd' is the coding file for the session. Fill out evaluation here.

From  Jacob Grippin 16 plays

2022 edition of the Global Infrastructure Hub Monitor report

From  Olga Petrova 22 plays

AUGM Jan 5 2023

From  Rhodora Seymour 0 plays

QuickBooks Basic 4 Child Care Providers

Zoom Recording ID: 91014394192 UUID: S2DxVkZ1SMGb3hjiqKKkNQ== Meeting Time: 2022-12-01 12:55:03pmGMT

From  Bonnie Collins 45 plays

Intermediate Stata

Github page: Code: Access to software:…

From  Jacob Grippin 14 plays

20220302_CPIP_Introduction to the Global Infrastructure Hub

From  Olga Petrova 60 plays

Intermediate SPSS recording

From  Jacob Grippin 3 plays

PIN seminar-Dr. John Hoddinott: Food security in the time of Covid-19, with special reference to Bangladesh

During this PIN seminar John Hoddinott PhD. of the Division of Nutritional Sciences presents: Food security in the time of Covid-19, with special reference to Bangladesh

From  Elizabeth Centeno Tablante 30 plays

PIN seminar-Dr. Nordhagen and Dr. Lambertini: Addressing food safety and nutrition in low- and middle-income countries

In this PIN seminar Stella Nordhagen Ph.D., Senior Technical Specialist and Elisabetta Lambertini, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist from Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) will present…

From  Elizabeth Centeno Tablante 2 plays

Acumatica User Group Meeting, December 9, 2021

We start off the meeting by showing how to check on the Velixo version installed in your computer, 1099 updates, upcoming changes in the submission of Area program reports through a central storage,…

From  Rhodora Seymour 29 plays

Regional Disaster Risk Modeling featuring Dr. Linda Nozick

Regional Disaster Risk Modeling How do you untangle the kinds of complex problems organizations and stakeholders face? It's essential to see the network as a whole and avoid thinking about…

From  Alexis Vargas 40 plays

NY 529 College Savings Program | Open Enrollment 2021

A presentation on NY's 529 College Savings Program for Benefair Week during Open Enrollment 2021.

From  Gerald Deis 17 plays

2021 CTECH REU Micah Chen, Final Research Presentation

2021 CTECH REU Micah Chen, Final Research Presentation; Cornell's Center for Transportation, Environment & Community Health (CTECH) REU Intern with Gao Research Group

From  Melanie-Claire Mallison 27 plays

ORIE 4741 Lecture 2: Exploratory Data Analysis

Zoom Recording ID: 94347618999 UUID: 9xAkNk5ySPGx54FNKqwJPQ== Meeting Time: 2021-08-31T13:28:30Z

From  Madeleine Udell 239 plays

Fall 2021 New Student Welcome from OADI and DOS

Please enjoy this student panel from the Office of Academic Diversity Initiatives (OADI) and Dean of Students Diversity and Inclusion Portfolio. We have interviewed several students about their…

From  Kristin Dade 32 plays