Search for tag: "extraction"
Vertical Transmission of Viruses through Breastmilk (Mehta Research Group) - Aimee BostwickAimee Bostwick is a junior in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, majoring in Global and Public Health Sciences. She is passionate about maternal and child health, global health policies,…
From Catherine Wambura
6 plays
2021-10-04 - BEE 6940 Lecture 20Zoom Recording ID: 6112800502 UUID: 7S5JqKLsQGu8YLrOl6lImQ== Meeting Time: 2021-11-03T19:07:20Z
From Buz Barstow
3 plays
Mehta Research Group ELO Presentation - Joelle WahabJoelle Wahab is a senior in the College of Human Ecology majoring in Global and Public Health Sciences. She is interested in the social determinants of health and their influence on maternal and…
From Consuelo Le
48 plays
Development of Hydrogen Sulfide in Wine During Storage (Rachel Allison, PhD Candidate, Sacks Lab) & Novel, High-Throughput Methods for Trace-Level Analyses of Grape and Wine Volatiles using DART-MS (Jessie Rafson, PhD Candidate, Sacks LabRachel Allison, PhD Candidate, Sacks Lab, Cornell University"Development of Hydrogen Sulfide in Wine During Storage”AbstractSulfur-like off-aromas (SLOs) are reportedly responsible for…
From Rajni Aneja
23 plays
4.14.21 Eastern Viticulture and Enology Forum - Game-Changing Innovations Every Small Winery Should KnowAn unprecedented number of technologies have recently emerged to aid small wineries in making better wines, saving money and labor, and marketing more successfully at low cost. These include…
From Tim Martinson
283 plays
Ezra's Round Table/Systems Seminar: Jerald L. Schnoor (Iowa) - Water Sustainability and Climate ChangeFriday, April 11, 2014 at 12:00pm Frank H. T. Rhodes Hall, 253 Ezra's Round Table/Systems Seminar: Jerald L. Schnoor (Iowa) - Water Sustainability and Climate Change Water is a vital renewable…
From E. Cornelius
26 plays