Search for tag: "impact"

Introduction to Ultra-Wide Band-Gap Semiconductors for High-Power Electronics – History & Current Topics of Interests (MikeSpencer)

From  James Overhiser 13 plays

Reflections on Freedom of Expression_ Mor Naaman

From  Matt Gorney 0 plays

Catia Dombaxe

From  Sarah Day 24 plays

Fall 2023 PIN Seminar - Dr. Juan Rivera PhD

November 6, 2023: "Mexico's Experience in the Use of Taxes for Obesity and NCD Prevention: Dr. Juan Rivera Institute Nacional de Salud Publica (INSP), Mexico

From  Anna Bennett 5 plays

Fall 2023 PIN Seminar: Dr. Francesca Celletti, MD PhD

September 28, 2024: “The WHO response to the obesity epidemic as a global health emergency.”

From  Anna Bennett 4 plays

Sustainability Careers in Academia

April 27, 2023. An alumni panel on Sustainability Careers in Academia, organized by Aurora YingYun Zhang ’23 with the Cornell China Center, featured three Chinese Cornell alumni pursuing…

From  Nina Chaopricha 24 plays

K. Knight_Technology-and-Community-Needs_FINAL

In this week’s video, Katy Knight, Executive Director and President of the Siegel Family Endowment, explains how technology can positively impact infrastructure development. Digital tools…

From  Olga Petrova 12 plays

Systems Conversations on 11/04/2022: Dr. Longqi Yang

From  Michael Bell 0 plays

Systems Conversations on 4/10/2020: Sridhar Tayur

From  Michael Bell 2 plays

Systems Conversations on 2/28/2020: Dr. Bilal Farooq

From  Michael Bell 0 plays

Systems Conversation on 4/12/2020: Sridhar Tayur

From  E. Cornelius 2 plays

Systems Conversation on 3/22/2019: Andreas A Malikopoulos

From  E. Cornelius 0 plays

Systems Conversation on 8/31/2018: Alice Squires

From  E. Cornelius 1 plays

DA research profile_Ed Mabaya

From  Gabriela Cestero 44 plays

DA research profile_Katie Gold

From  Gabriela Cestero 87 plays

Fall 2022 PIN Seminar - Pattanee Winichagoon, PhD

Seminar title: "Insights from leading nutrition research: Experiences in Thailand"

From  Nidhi Shrestha 3 plays