CoE Coffee, Coaching & Connections, presented by the New York State Center of Excellence for Food and Agriculture at Cornell AgriTech, is a monthly series highlighting industry and academic…
Creation Date
May 07, 2024
CoE Coffee, Coaching & Connections, presented by the New York State Center of Excellence for Food and Agriculture at Cornell AgriTech, is a monthly series highlighting industry and academic…
Creation Date
November 07, 2023
III: Implementation of Food Waste and Loss Reduction Strategies and How to
Avoid Unintended Negative Consequences
Moderating: Aaron Adalja, Cornell
The Role
of Nudges in Reducing Food Waste
David Just, Cornell University
Behavioral economic interventions have proven to be effective in
shaping food choice. It stands to…
Labels, Food Waste, and Implications along the Supply Chain
Bradley Rickard, Cornell University
We developed a survey to collect
information on consumers’…
Food Waste in CPG Retailing Operations
Vishal Gaur, Cornell University
Retailers and manufacturers can undertake
a number of steps in their supply chains to measure…
Economics of Food Waste Reduction
Harry de Gorter, Cornell University
Global food waste can feed 1.9 billion people and result in significant
GHGEs and stress on resources…
Day 2
Welcome; Day 1 Recap
Aaron Adalja, Cornell UniversityMartin Wiedmann, Cornell University
II: Research Needs in Food Waste and Loss Reduction
Moderator: Julie Goddard, Cornell University
Sam Alcaine, Cornell University
Renata Ivanek, Cornell University
and Novel Approaches to Modelling Food Loss and Waste and Effectiveness of
Reduction Strategies
Renata Ivanek, Cornell University
This talk introduces a general…
I: Opportunities and Challenges in Food Loss and Food Waste Reduction
Moderator: Martin Wiedmann, Cornell University
Caitlin Dow, Center for Science in the Public…
How do the processes that will be used for Earth Source Heat (ESH) and the Cornell University Borehole Observatory (CUBO) differ from what is called unconventional shale gas development (a.k.a.…
Alexander Mathys, Ph.D. ETH Zurich Novel Food Production Technologies for More Sustainable Food Systems Alexander Mathys is food technologist and received his doctoral degree in food processing in…
Zoom Recording ID: 91962253386
UUID: VVfbuk+ORTyWDuOcgiAoPA==
Meeting Time: 2021-01-19T20:12:16Z