Search for tag: "completion"

Cody Capalongo - CIT Excel Data Sorting with Python

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From  Ron Henry 28 plays

ORIE Colloquium on 10/5/2021: Jeff Linderoth

Subspace Clustering with Missing Data via Integer Programming In the Subspace Clustering with Missing Data (SCMD) problem, we are given a collection of n data points, arranged into columns of a…

+19 More
From  E. Cornelius 6 plays

Frank Gao, Elizabeth Jung, Hannah Tsay - PMO Project Lifecycle

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From  Ron Henry 41 plays

Advancing Diversity Equity and Inclusion - Managers Forum 8/28

Toral Patel, Diversity and Inclusion Specialist, previews the upcoming Advancing Diversity Equity and Inclusion at Cornell programming. Excerpt from Managers Forum, recorded August 28, 2020.

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From  Gerald Deis 13 plays

ORIE Colloquium on 9/30/2014 - Guanghui (George) Lan, Ph.D.: “Sparse” Computation of Gradients for Optimization with Large Data Sets

Tuesday, September 30, 2014 The last few years have seen an increasing interest in utilizing optimization for large-scale data analysis. However, optimization problems arising from these…

+63 More
From  E. Cornelius 98 plays

ORIE Colloquium on 4/9/2013 - Shuangchi He: A One-Dimensional Diffusion Model for Overloaded Queues with Customer Abandonment

ORIE Special Seminar: Shuangchi He (National University of Singapore) - A One-Dimensional Diffusion Model for Overloaded Queues with Customer Abandonment Tuesday, April 9, 2013 at 4:15pm Frank H.…

+71 More
From  E. Cornelius 25 plays