Search for tag: "training program"
CaSE August MeetingZoom Recording ID: 3158575918 UUID: s4k5LO08S4OFgRGIdHWodw== Meeting Time: 2020-08-06T20:06:24Z
From Terrance Carroll
3 plays
Seeding Tools & Techniques July-2020This is a beginning farmer training video from Cornell Cooperative Extension of Niagara County's Beginning Farmer Training Program.This video demonstrates several different seeding tools and…
From Rich Woodbridge
77 plays
Farming 101: Getting Started in Western NYThis is a beginning farmer training video from Cornell Cooperative Extension of Niagara County's Beginning Farmer Training Program. It discusses five ways that small farms fail and what can be…
From Rich Woodbridge
28 plays
CaSE May MeetingZoom Recording ID: 3158575918 UUID: D+bt+qHwSTKc1iG9LjAQ8w== Meeting Time: 2020-05-07T20:12:31Z
From Terrance Carroll
1 plays
Clip of APRIL 10th Updates & Discussion: The Impact of COVID-19 on NYS Animal SheltersZoom Recording ID: 736868584 UUID: K70H/N7MScG09ZYLW42cuA== Meeting Time: 2020-04-10T18:28:21Z
From Sarah Nickerson
18 plays