Zoom Recording ID: 95715603097
UUID: f8yLHzYNQziDc/kgrmB5rQ==
Meeting Time: 2024-04-16 03:52:33pmGMT
Zoom Recording ID: 99112598706
UUID: WtbdV4vcQm2wiEdA6m1NGA==
Meeting Time: 2024-04-10 03:48:29pmGMT
Zoom Recording ID: 99270860597
UUID: M/CxiOuIRCm8fYnlf6GC/g==
Meeting Time: 2024-03-27 03:48:29pmGMT
Zoom Recording ID: 99585096475
UUID: aOa/VZPoTGeacgbop2Doqw==
Meeting Time: 2024-03-14 03:30:35pmGMT
Zoom Recording ID: 93519414146
UUID: hrOThRFVQ9yUE3tzdNH6rw==
Meeting Time: 2024-03-19 03:47:22pmGMT
Thought Leaders on Infrastructure video series. Himanshu Saxena, MS ’00, Chairman and CEO of Lotus
Infrastructure Partners and Member of the CPIP Board of Advisors, describes what will lie…
Zoom Recording ID: 93557789527
UUID: tHd3NxS3Qki3Ea+9QUGnuQ==
Meeting Time: 2021-09-30T12:44:40Z
Zoom Recording ID: 99213580581
UUID: j62vL9clRlKSZaO/o1W38Q==
Meeting Time: 2023-06-27 03:48:26pmGMT
Zoom Recording ID: 94996923255
UUID: rspY7LWHQ6+NTlwklkO/Xw==
Meeting Time: 2023-05-15 02:10:09pmGMT
Zoom Recording ID: 94189973093
UUID: xoMF2csdRr2xxMLrFW0a0w==
Meeting Time: 2023-04-24 03:50:50pmGMT
Zoom Recording ID: 98011809524
UUID: UAqyXwe9TcmrZi8Rq7cidg==
Meeting Time: 2023-04-06 03:50:08pmGMT
Zoom Recording ID: 94067662529
Meeting Time: 2023-04-05 03:49:45pmGMT
A recording of an informational meeting where Aetna and Cornell Benefit Services representatives review benefit options for next year, and answer questions from the audience. Open Enrollment for…
Moderator: Neil Mattson, Professor, School of Integrative Plant Science Horticulture Section, Cornell University Guest Speakers: Serdar Mizrakci, CEO, Element Farms; Dave Nichols, Chief Strategy…