Day of Data 2021 Keynote Presentation Shane G. Henderson is the Charles W. Lake, Jr. Professor in Productivity in the School of Operations Research and Information Engineering at Cornell University.…
Moderator: Carmen I. MoraruAaron Adalja: Food Waste MarketsRenata Ivanek: Modeling of Food WasteMartin Wiedmann: A Modeling Approach to Predicting Food Shelf Life to Reduce Food Waste
Participants: Robert Frank, Juan Hinestroza, Gary Koretzky, and David Silbey The coronavirus has left an indelible imprint on the fabric of society and scholarship. From medicine to marketing,…
and inclusion is an important institutional value, but how do we advocate
and maintain diverse and inclusive practices during a crisis such as
CNF 30th (2007) "Anticipatory Governance and Reflexivity: A Means for Realtime Technology Assessment" with David Guston, The Center for Nanotechnology in Society, Arizona State University