Search for tag: "assumptions"

Systems Conversation on 9/22/2017: Prodromos Daoutidis

Title: Energy Efficiency & Sustainability: New Vistas for Systems & Control Research Abstract: Energy efficiency and sustainability are major factors towards mitigating the depletion of…

+19 More
From  E. Cornelius 3 plays

Symposium Dr Lisa Nishii

+19 More
From  Chris Tracy 137 plays

Wellbeing@Work: Developing and Sustaining Healthy Relationships in the Workplace

Ari Mack, Organization Development Consultant, and Michelle Artibee provide some tips and advice on maintaining healthy relationships among co-workers and colleagues. Watch the full Interview here:…

+19 More
From  Gerald Deis 9 plays

Wellbeing@Work: Resources at Cornell

Michelle Artibee, Director of Workforce Wellbeing, outlines resources available to victims of domestic and intimate partner violence, along with general relationship wellbeing resources. Watch the…

+19 More
From  Gerald Deis 13 plays

CAM/ORIE Colloquium on 9/14/2021: Modibo Camara - Side by Side

Mechanisms for a No-Regret Agent: Beyond the Common Prior A rich class of economic problems — like monopoly regulation, contract design, and Bayesian persuasion — can be understood as…

+19 More
From  E. Cornelius 25 plays

5.17.21 Huijia Lin, University of Washington

Zoom Recording ID: 91302741742 UUID: hJSJ/8QeQkqko5cgQSaeWA== Meeting Time: 2021-05-17T19:40:30Z

+20 More
From  Jordan Staiti 54 plays

Mathmatical Modeling of COVID II

+70 More
From  Dave Frank 78 plays

12 - Trusses on computer (part II of III) Session 12

2010-09-22 17:42:36+00

From 17 plays

Ezra’s Round Table/Systems Seminar on 10/17/2014 - Warren Walker: Dynamic Adaptive Policymaking: An Approach to Planning Under Deep Uncertainty

Much policy advice is formulated implicitly assuming that the future can be predicted. A static policy is developed using a single ‘most likely’ future, often based on the extrapolation…

+63 More
From  E. Cornelius 4 plays

ORIE Colloquium on 4/9/2013 - Shuangchi He: A One-Dimensional Diffusion Model for Overloaded Queues with Customer Abandonment

ORIE Special Seminar: Shuangchi He (National University of Singapore) - A One-Dimensional Diffusion Model for Overloaded Queues with Customer Abandonment Tuesday, April 9, 2013 at 4:15pm Frank H.…

+71 More
From  E. Cornelius 23 plays

ORIE Colloquium on 11/19/2013 - Ton Dieker : Optimal Resource Capacity Management for Stochastic Networks

Tuesday, November 19, 2013 at 4:15pm Frank H. T. Rhodes Hall, 253 ORIE Colloquium: Ton Dieker (Georgia Tech) - Optimal Resource Capacity Management for Stochastic Networks Abstract: We develop…

+51 More
From  E. Cornelius 28 plays

Celebrationg radical collaboration in faculty research

Cornell has launched an ambitious series of initiatives to enhance faculty hiring and pave the way to new discovery. The focus areas of the initiatives target strategic, collaborative discipline…

+39 More
From  __ADMIN__520261 130 plays

01 - Conference Introduction

Introduction for the The Third Biennial Urie Bronfenbrenner Conference -- The Neuroscience of Risky Decision Making

+78 More
From  Marshall Perryman 13 plays

CNF NanoCourses 2004 – Section 4.1: Introduction and Optic

+57 More
From  David Botsch 156 plays