Search for tag: "numbers"
Essential Replication Skills for Your Research Jan24.mp4View CCSS Workshops Fill out 2 minute evaluation form Request access to CCSS Cloud Computing Resources, Gain access to our statistical software for free. Approval from a Cornell faculty member is…
From Jacob Grippin
4 plays
Garden Basics 101 presenter: Pam Taft for SUNY 4-6-23Zoom Recording ID: 98011809524 UUID: UAqyXwe9TcmrZi8Rq7cidg== Meeting Time: 2023-04-06 03:50:08pmGMT
From Carole Henry
25 plays
VPN - Connection MethodsTutorial for logging into the Cisco AnyConnect VPN with two-step authentication. Additional resources:VPN with two-step (via CIT) - General…
From Christi Smith
63 plays
Fall 2022 PIN Seminar - Mercy Lung’aho, PhDSeminar title: "Overview and Update on the National Food Consumption & Micronutrient Survey 2021”
From Nidhi Shrestha
7 plays
Stochastic Networks Conference 2022 - Nicolas Gast EditZoom Recording ID: 97630276119 UUID: +/xXcDwaQAeikAIq7MRL7A== Meeting Time: 2022-06-21 12:36:33pm
From E. Cornelius
5 plays
Organize for transparent and reproducible research Spring 2022There are many free resources that you can use for further learning.linkedin learning free with Cornell sign in.…
From Jacob Grippin
6 plays
Advanced Stata RecordingHandout: Copy of Commands:…
From Jacob Grippin
28 plays
Introduction to Python Spring 2022You do not need to download any software to prepare. Here is what you will need: 1. Open the following link:…
From Jacob Grippin
64 plays
F21 ADA 11/9 Session 11: Access basic terminology, tables and queriesZoom Recording ID: 96247576794 UUID: GcnO4npBR1mtN6i5NKKO3A== Meeting Time: 2021-11-16T14:02:12Z
From Christina Homrighouse
2 plays
The State of Veterinary Medicine 11.8.2021Professor Clinton Neill provides an overview of the state of the industry to CVM Advisory Council members.
From Luanne M. Prosperi Stefanucci
15 plays