5 Stations, 2 exercises at each station, repeat each exercise 2x's before moving to the next station. Round 1: 40/20, Round 2: 30/15 Push: Side to side push ups, Triceps Kickbacks Pull: Bicep…
Sometimes we absolutely need to enforce all of our preconditions, and we cannot live with the compromises of the previous video. In this video we show how to use top-down design to give us more…
Preconditions can get really complicated, and sometimes it is unclear how to enforce all of the preconditions. In this video we talk about why it is okay to break up a precondition and…
The Third Biennial Urie Bronfenbrenner Conference
The Neuroscience of Risky Decision Making
September 22-23, 2011
102 Mann Library (off the lobby)
Cornell University
Hard Limits on Chinese Soft Power: Beijing won’t develop attractive power any time soon, and it doesn’t seem to mind
Robert Daly was named the second director of the Kissinger Institute…