Search for tag: "stage"
"Creating a Welcoming Garden for Hummingbirds and Butterflies" by Pam Taft, Albany Master Gardener for DOT June 26, 2023Zoom Recording ID: 99213580581 UUID: j62vL9clRlKSZaO/o1W38Q== Meeting Time: 2023-06-27 03:48:26pmGMT
From Carole Henry
8 plays
Gina Park: Drayage Trucks"Thought Leaders in Infrastructure" Video Series presents -- In this video, Ph.D. candidate Gina Park talks about her research into the Clean Truck Program, and how it shows that the…
From Olga Petrova
38 plays
CoE Coffee, Coaching & Connections: How to pitch to venture capital investors and acquire fundingPresented by the New York State Center of Excellence for Food and Agriculture at Cornell AgriTech, CoE Coffee, Coaching & Connections is a monthly series highlighting industry and academic…
From Jacob Pucci
32 plays
President's Awards for Employee Excellence - 2021 CeremonyFull recording of the President's Awards for Employee Excellence Ceremony, held on November 19, 2021. Excellence Awards Program Webpage:…
From Gerald Deis
9 plays
Kyle Shen Lab Demonstration: Introduction: MBE&ARPES Summer School 2022Zoom Recording ID: 91639832916 UUID: RvKgoXoXS/WhJfbCS5GYfA== Meeting Time: 2022-06-16 12:46:45pm
From James Overhiser
35 plays
FeedBackFruits: IntroductionIn this workshop, faculty presenters will share their experience and use cases for the Peer Review and Group Member Evaluation tools to facilitate peer and collaborative learning. The presentations…
From Zach Butler
125 plays
2021 NNCI REU Convocation, Niaa Jenkins-Johnston's Presentation2021 NNCI REU Convocation, Niaa Jenkins-Johnston's Presentation; Cornell NanoScale Facility (CNF) REU Intern with the Fischbach Research Group
From Ron Olson
18 plays
2021 NNCI REU Convocation, Elisabeth Wang's Presentation2021 NNCI REU Convocation, Elisabeth Wang's Presentation; Cornell NanoScale Facility (CNF) REU Intern with the Lammerding Research Group
From Ron Olson
26 plays
2021 NNCI REU Convocation, Zhangqi Zheng's Presentation2021 NNCI REU Convocation, Zhangqi Zheng's Presentation; Cornell NanoScale Facility (CNF) REU Intern with the McEuen Research Group
From Ron Olson
31 plays
2021 NNCI REU Convocation, Kareena Dash's Presentation2021 NNCI REU Convocation, Kareena Dash's Presentation; Cornell NanoScale Facility (CNF) REU Intern with the Ober Research Group
From Ron Olson
60 plays
Introduction to Github Fall 2021Zoom Recording ID: 98509571401 UUID: r35WDCCTSD2yLmCgf8Fnsw== Meeting Time: 2021-10-14T17:30:27Z There are many free resources that you can use for further learning.linkedin learning free with…
From Jacob Grippin
18 plays
10-3 Review SessionZoom Recording ID: 96965091159 UUID: Pht05PdGSQiCSKZ5f3JX6w== Meeting Time: 2021-10-03T20:31:06Z
From Steven Gallow
29 plays
Lecture 9/23: Feature engineering demo and deep learningZoom Recording ID: 94347618999 UUID: yCXzltQzT6utWrVYWPVYNA== Meeting Time: 2021-09-23T13:32:05Z
From Madeleine Udell
133 plays