Search for tag: "demand"
Spring 2024 PIN Seminar - Eva Monterrosa, PhDDr. Eva Monterrosa, PhD, Program Lead, Consumer Demand Generation at the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), joins the Program in International Nutrition Seminar. Title: Solving public…
From Anna Bennett
0 plays
Lunch and Learn- Exploring Risk and Equity Challenges in Water Supply Infrastructure Investments for the Federal District of BrazilThis work explores adaptive risk-based water supply investment pathways in the Federal District of Brazil (FDB). The FDB is home to Brazil’s capital city, Brasilia, and nearly 3 million people.…
From Alexis Vargas
19 plays
MEM Lunch and Learn: Economic Choice Models to Learn Customer Preferences (R. Daziano)This talk will overview supervised statistical learning of customer preferences through choice experiments and discrete choice models. Empirical applications of inference on economic value of this…
From Alexis Vargas
12 plays
Apps on Demand(AoD) Tips and tricksSign in: Navigation Bar Items:
From Jacob Grippin
6 plays
Apps on Demand(AoD) copy and pasteSign in: Copy and paste:
From Jacob Grippin
3 plays
Apps on Demand(AoD) download and open data(Stata)Sign in: Sample dataset (airline):
From Jacob Grippin
9 plays
Apps on Demand(AoD) Saving Files Google DriveSign in: Google Drive: OneDrive:…
From Jacob Grippin
5 plays
Session 2-2: The Economics of Food Waste ReductionThe Economics of Food Waste Reduction Harry de Gorter, Cornell University Global food waste can feed 1.9 billion people and result in significant GHGEs and stress on resources…
From Aljosa Trmcic
22 plays
ORIE colloquium on 12/7/2021: Hannah Li (Stanford)Zoom Recording ID: 94203198752 UUID: BMmkzSzwQPuaBKHUynaUBw== Meeting Time: 2021-12-07T21:13:08Z
From E. Cornelius
9 plays
Mario Herrero, Ph.D. - The Sustainable Transformation of Food SystemsMario Herrero, Ph.D. The Sustainable Transformation of Food Systems Prof. Mario Herrero is a professor of sustainable food systems and global change in the Department of Global Development, a Nancy…
From Erin Atkins
18 plays