Search for tag: "computer"

Web Scraping in Python FA24.mp4

Github page with sample files and code Request CCSS Cloud Computing Account. Schedule a consultation There are many free resources that you can use for further learning.linkedin learning free…

+19 More
From  Jacob Grippin 10 plays

Cornell Tech Recognition Welcome Ceremony 2024

From  Steven Gallow 51 plays

Cornell Tech CS Program Recognition Ceremony 2024

From  Steven Gallow 76 plays

MEM Lunch and Learn: Economic Choice Models to Learn Customer Preferences (R. Daziano)

This talk will overview supervised statistical learning of customer preferences through choice experiments and discrete choice models. Empirical applications of inference on economic value of this…

From  Alexis Vargas 12 plays

Publication Ready Tables in Stata.mp4

Link to Github page. File Stata\ for code from session. Double click on .do file to open Stata. Then run code. …

+19 More
From  Jacob Grippin 41 plays

Publication Ready Tables Stata

Schedule a consultation There are many free resources that you can use for further learning.linkedin learning free with Cornell sign in.…

+19 More
From  Diana Flores Valdivia 35 plays

Session 1 of ACM Symposium on Computational Fabrication

Session Chair: Sriramya Nair Keynote by Virginia San Fratello (San José State University) MAXL: Distributed Trajectories for Modular Motion Jake Read, Nadya Peek and Neil Gershenfeld …

From  Thijs Roumen 74 plays

Session 2 of ACM Symposium on Computational Fabrication

Session Chair: Nadya Peek Keynote by Scott Hudson (Carnegie Mellon University) Estimating Yarn Length for Machine-Knitted Structures Gabrielle Ohlson, Angelica M. Bonilla Fominaya, Kavya…

From  Thijs Roumen 55 plays

Session 4 of ACM Symposium on Computational Fabrication

Session Chair: Amritansh Kwatra Keynote by Nobuyuki Umetani (University of Tokyo) Keynote by Ilya Baran(Onshape) Demos Lightning Round

From  Thijs Roumen 28 plays

Session 3 of ACM Symposium on Computational Fabrication

Session Chair: Thijs Roumen Keynote by Kelly Delp (Cornell University) Gradient-Based Dovetail Joint Shape Optimization for Stiffness Xingyuan Sun, Chenyue Cai, Ryan P. Adams and Szymon…

From  Thijs Roumen 47 plays

Session 6 of ACM Symposium on Computational Fabrication

Session Chair: Michael Wessely Keynote by Ayodamola Tanimowo Okunseinde (Parsons) PotScript: a visual grammar for sculpting with functions Leo McElroy and Lingdong Huang History in Motion:…

From  Thijs Roumen 35 plays

Session 5 of ACM Symposium on Computational Fabrication

Chair: Sasa Zivkovic Keynote by Masoud Akbarzadeh (Upenn) WireShape - A Hybrid Prototyping Process for Fast & Reliable Manufacturing of Inflatable Interface Props with CNC-Fabricated…

From  Thijs Roumen 46 plays

Session 7 and closing of ACM Symposium on Computational Fabrication

Session Chair: Tsz Yan Ng Keynote by Ezri Tarazi (Technion) Printing atom-efficiently: faster fabrication of farther unsupported overhangs by fluid dynamics simulation Gabriel Lipkowitz, Navneeth…

From  Thijs Roumen 37 plays

CCE Western IT User profile setup

Overview of computer user profile setup for CCE Western region employees. Additional Resources referenced:CCE Western IT Helpdesk - CCE Knowledge Base -…

+21 More
From  Christi Smith 24 plays

Systems Conversation on 9/27/2019: Dr. Travis Humble

+19 More
From  Michael Bell 0 plays

Systems Conversations on 11/10/2017: Melanie Mitchell

+19 More
From  Michael Bell 0 plays