Search for tag: "software engineering"

Hack Your Summer Internship for CS/IS Majors- Fall 2021

The A&S Career Development Office presented a workshop to help students prepare for summer internships in computer science/information science. While this presentation is geared for these majors,…

+28 More
From  Kay Lewis 35 plays

20191030_CIDA Presentation_McCouch

From  Matt Gorney 8 plays

Correct-by-Consturction Synthesis for Autonomous Robots - Hadas Kress-Gazit

+43 More
From  Jennifer Wright 36 plays

DrupalCamp 2018: Sponsored by Pantheon: Climbing the Hierarchy of Needs for Websites

University websites must balance many competing priorities. The web presence needs to encourage undergrad enrollment, direct current students to needed resources, inform people visiting the physical…

From  Nick Tubbs 8 plays

DrupalCamp 2018: Visual Requirements Gathering

Requirements gathering is fundamental to running a successful project. Breaking down the requirements into the right work packages can be an artform. This session will walk you through the redesign…

+27 More
From  Nick Tubbs 10 plays

DrupalCamp 2018: Bricks and WYSIWYG paragraphs for Impressive Pages without Developers

Bricks, paragraphs, and modifiers allow enormously flexible page layouts that are easy for content providers to build. WYSIWYG paragraphs let authors make dynamic content areas interspersed with…

+77 More
From  Nick Tubbs 23 plays

Bricks and WYSIWYG paragraphs for Impressive Pages without Developers

+80 More
From  Nick Tubbs 27 plays

Trusted Hardware and Blockchain Alchemy -- Professor Ari Juels

From  Steven Gallow 32 plays

CS2110-FA17-12 Session 12

2017-09-29 00:00:00+00

From 448 plays

CS2110-FA17-27 Session 27

2017-11-29 00:00:00+00

+83 More
From 59 plays

Distance Learning Orientation

An introduction to Systems Engineering including Faculty, course content, and learning processes.

+71 More
From  E. Cornelius 2 plays

Ezra's Round Table/Systems Seminar - Peter Adams: Bringing atmospheric chemical transport modeling into societal decision-making

Society faces the need to overhaul energy and transportation systems to meet climate change and other challenges. These decisions typically have very large “co-benefits” in terms of air…

+95 More
From  E. Cornelius 20 plays

Ezra's Round Table/Systems Seminar - Judith Dahmann: Complex System of Systems: Challenges and Opportunities for Systems Engineering

Increasingly key elements of society – defense, energy, transportation, water resources, telecommunications, finance, others – critically depend on the coordinated functioning of multiple…

From  E. Cornelius 11 plays

ORIE Colloquium on 3/25/2014 - Rob Freund: A First-Order View of Some Boosting Methods: Computational Guarantees and Connections to Regularization

Tuesday, March 25, 2014 at 4:15pm Frank H. T. Rhodes Hall, 253 ORIE Colloquium: Rob Freund (MIT) - A First-Order View of Some Boosting Methods: Computational Guarantees and Connections to…

+85 More
From  E. Cornelius 31 plays

SYSEN UG Info Session

Systems Engineering Master of Engineering undergrad information session.

+107 More
From  E. Cornelius 4 plays

ORIE Colloquium on 11/25/2014 - Angelo J. Mancini: Dynamic Release Management: A Quasi-Open-Loop Approach

Abstract: We consider a release manager who sequentially releases new versions of her product by drawing from a fixed and non-replenishable finite set of features while facing an exogenous,…

+76 More
From  E. Cornelius 26 plays