Zoom Recording ID: 99888251598
UUID: hrBSmIgqRAS0z2Wg6SICgg==
Meeting Time: 2023-03-24 12:08:38pmGMT
Zoom Recording ID: 92884372741
UUID: zBrM5pUwTSeXtq2M+/PgDA==
Meeting Time: 2021-10-28T17:00:09Z
Zoom Recording ID: 96340126721
UUID: obOy3c5vTlmoHs3ZehGEQw==
Meeting Time: 2021-10-27T11:40:20Z
Zoom Recording ID: 471873857
Meeting Time: 2021-10-22T15:54:08Z
Zoom Recording ID: 93227848311
UUID: OorCPebQQOmP+9VFVfQ31w==
Meeting Time: 2021-09-13T12:05:37Z
Dr. Julie Nucci, Cornell Emeritus. Zoom Recording ID: 99859207764
UUID: 0cOY1pPASnmtVdy0LbKIow==
Meeting Time: 2021-06-23T16:02:55Z
Teaching Strategies 2 - Writing & Reflection Activities (length: 7:48) from In-Person Teaching with Remote Students, Part A:Teaching students in socially-distanced classrooms with access for…
Presenter: Olivia Whitmarsh
This is a beginning farmer training video from Cornell Cooperative Extension of Niagara County's Beginning Farmer Training Program. It discusses five ways that small farms fail and what can be…
Zoom Recording ID: 95372571419
UUID: xzdfWHdtSyaSzADallIraA==
Meeting Time: 2020-06-30T00:31:34Z
Zoom Recording ID: 200816800
UUID: iLqM8KGMQQ2+g+1D2V4Anw==
Meeting Time: 2020-05-08T16:12:19Z
Zoom Recording ID: 200816800
UUID: iW6tF+J4R6ixatKDyrTQGw==
Meeting Time: 2020-04-29T15:32:54Z