Search for tag: "debt"

Rick Geddes: Private Investment in Public Infrastructure

From  Olga Petrova 67 plays

Anne Valentine Andrews: Investing in Infrastructure

+19 More
From  Olga Petrova 144 plays

04-30-2021 - Tammy Jones

Zoom Recording ID: 94129232542 UUID: 3i5CxrmQQdGZTbfFK1arRw== Meeting Time: 2021-05-14T17:07:14Z

+19 More
From  Anitra Garcia 37 plays

Don't Let your Estate Plan Sink

Zoom Recording ID: 99447364927 UUID: 9c8DVUFeQ5+HCL4b+/MwQg== Meeting Time: 2020-08-26T13:55:21Z

From  Nancy Reigelsperger 24 plays

CIDA summer 2020 seminar - Digital Agriculture Curriculum Development Roundtable

Zoom Recording ID: 97636298817 UUID: nvyEfG3ORhaTYnoKd7Bb2w== Meeting Time: 2020-08-24T15:42:31Z Cornell Initiative for Digital Agriculture – Summer 2020 Seminar Series: Digital Agriculture…

From  Gabriela Cestero 29 plays

Johnson COVID-19: Financial Markets, Prof. Warren Bailey

From  Safiyyah Abdul Hamid 21 plays

FERM PWT Conference Call

Zoom Recording ID: 98628034224 UUID: L63KFgLLSGGY4NpSSXRIvg== Meeting Time: 2020-08-20T16:50:59Z

From  Nancy Reigelsperger 6 plays

Long Term Care, Asset Protection

Zoom Recording ID: 97359756647 UUID: IRIrGbusT025akwqsdk02Q== Meeting Time: 2020-07-28T16:47:38Z

+109 More
From  Nancy Reigelsperger 33 plays

There’s No Place Like Home: Cornell’s Residential Landscapes

Cornell’s longstanding ambivalence about on-campus housing and the logistics of a coeducational population resulted in two dormitory landscapes situated to the north and west of central campus.…

From  Kenny Berkowitz 480 plays

Johnson COVID-19: Offshore Wind Energy: Gaining Momentum in the US, Randy Male (MBA '91)

From  Safiyyah Abdul Hamid 28 plays

Managing Money in Challenging Times

Zoom Recording ID: 94582195378 UUID: iKgXnG/aQ3qa9DU1pDMM9g== Meeting Time: 2020-06-25T22:27:02Z

From  Nancy Reigelsperger 4 plays

ORIE Advisory Council Meeting

Zoom Recording ID: 93509158919 UUID: 5imiHJ2aQjid7sCa4BbiHQ== Meeting Time: 2020-06-18T15:39:32Z

+48 More
From  Henry Lam 1 plays

Johnson COVID-19: Financial Markets & Asset Management, Prof. Sanjeev Bhojraj

Article : Value Investing is a Sleeping (But Not Dead) Giant -

+110 More
From  Safiyyah Abdul Hamid 126 plays

Long Term Care, Asset Protection

Zoom Recording ID: 91471506363 UUID: dv0Wc7cCSUSYK4e+P/sVpg== Meeting Time: 2020-05-28T16:49:57Z

+99 More
From  Nancy Reigelsperger 31 plays

Johnson COVID-19: Overview of Distressed Debt & Bankruptcy, Rob Symington (MBA ’92)

Chapter 11 Overview:

From  Safiyyah Abdul Hamid 116 plays

HR in the Workplace: Past, Present, and Future

From  Donald Bazley 23 plays