Search for tag: "writing"
May 2023 ELSO Info Session for GFAs and DGSsAt this info session, ELSO Director Michelle Crow provides an overview of the services provided by the English Language Support Office (ELSO), Cornell's writing and speaking support program for…
From Michelle Crow
11 plays
Food Environment and Food Purchasing Practices of Young Patients in Kenya (GAIN) - Simran SurtaniSimran Surtani is a senior in the College of Human Ecology majoring in Global and Public Health Sciences, with minors in Inequality Studies, Law and Society, and Crime, Prisons, Education, and…
From Catherine Wambura
10 plays
Racial Inequity in Dietetics (Eat Well Global) - Alice YuAlice Yu is a senior in the College of Human Ecology majoring in Global and Public Health Sciences with minors in Business and Health Policy. She is passionate about health equity, nutrition access,…
From Catherine Wambura
7 plays
Faculty Presenter: Meejeong SongMeejeong Song, Senior lecturer and Coordinator of the Korean Language Program in Asian Studies, will present findings based on her experience of incorporating peer review to improve student writing…
From Zach Butler
113 plays
ELSO Orientation Video Spring 2022Zoom Recording ID: 2847733042 UUID: Lit1o/v4QKOUtFVuFaLMsA== Meeting Time: 2022-01-14 07:15:39pm
From Michelle Crow
209 plays
Fellowships Info Session Fall 21: International Programs Dept. and Public ServiceCornell Law students have the ability to participate in fellowships abroad. These opportunities allow students to engage with international law practitioners and researchers, and to build…
From Lindsey Mulholland
31 plays
Knight Institute FWS OrientationKnight faculty, Jessica Sands (Multilingual Writing Specialist), David Faulkner (First-Year Writing Seminars Director), Tracy Carrick (Writing Workshop Director), and Kate Navickas (Cornell Writing…
From Tracy Carrick
211 plays
Kate Navickas's Personal Meeting RoomZoom Recording ID: 6588692464 UUID: MK1fFuOKRziZGDwAtcFlqQ== Meeting Time: 2021-07-02T15:57:50Z
From Kate Navickas
14 plays
AEM 2000 Contemporary Controversies in the Global Economy (2021SP) LectureZoom Recording ID: 94155485003 UUID: S/0a0a57TqyC8qis0tga7w== Meeting Time: 2021-02-10T16:03:57Z
From Chris Barrett
11 plays
AEM 2000 Contemporary Controversies in the Global Economy (2021SP) LectureZoom Recording ID: 94155485003 UUID: gEZGp9oxQEG//8FdOk0aTQ== Meeting Time: 2021-02-08T16:04:49Z
From Chris Barrett
16 plays
2018 Science Immersion_Grant ApplicationA workshop given by Elizabeth Estabrook as part of Science Immersion 2018
From Matthew Kibbee
2 plays
Training Proseminar | Landon SchnabelZoom Recording ID: 94521034283 UUID: Zku4LIiYReaQU8aUWAMW0w== Meeting Time: 2020-11-06T16:53:14Z
From Meg Cole
27 plays
Lesson 9.4 If-Elif StatementsIn this video we introduce the final conditional statement, the if-elif-else statement. This allows you to chose between an arbitrary number of options.
From Hannah Lee
131 plays
I Love Reading workshopILR I Love Reading workshop with Mike Chen from the Learning Strategy Center
From Jessie Mancilla
169 plays