Search for tag: "human behavior"

Session 2: Bargaining Power

2018-01-30 00:00:00+00

From  Donald Bazley 1,101 plays

Hot Topic Talk: Guided Materials Discovery (w/virtual tour):Tyrel McQueen, Lucas and Mekhola

Zoom Recording ID: 93911224526 UUID: thTMSuGSSu+9ac//s4/ulw== Meeting Time: 2020-07-27T15:54:57Z

From  James Overhiser 59 plays

Collaboration Workshop REU 2020 Session 1

Presenter: Lynne Vincent 2-ay workshop for the REUs.

From  James Overhiser 8 plays

Natalie Mahowald on Climate Change Science

Zoom Recording ID: 98131380488 UUID: EeCqS+VOToahkLelCMUHhA== Meeting Time: 2020-06-24T15:57:22Z

+71 More
From  James Overhiser 23 plays

Sustainability Trends, Prof. Glen Dowell

From  Safiyyah Abdul Hamid 23 plays

ORIE Reunion 2020 (Class of 1976-1985)

Zoom Recording ID: 98681123807 UUID: 6sQOIZe9QvGytRhRDhzCqg== Meeting Time: 2020-06-06T18:13:54Z

+90 More
From  Henry Lam 7 plays

CAHRScast - Incentives & Ethics

Zoom Recording ID: 92122016616 UUID: JVmqM9qjRY+9xQdGD0WA7w== Meeting Time: 2020-05-20T15:44:15Z

From  Melissa Burress 48 plays

NA+Cornell DUET lab

Zoom Recording ID: 96446622482 UUID: 4b/sbuIXR1qHBxW6pvGO4A== Meeting Time: 2020-05-21T19:27:31Z

+56 More
From  So-Yeon Yoon 30 plays

Johnson COVID-19: Social Contagion, Prof. Bob Frank

Zoom Recording ID: 713840977 UUID: bR1X0sEvTaK4jNMUY5bmww== Meeting Time: 2020-04-17T15:45:32Z

+82 More
From  Safiyyah Abdul Hamid 15 plays

Cornell MPH Virtual Fair April 13, 2020

From  Nicky Beaudoin 70 plays

Johnson COVID-19: Perceived Scarcity and Perception of Risk, Prof. Manoj Thomas (Mar 26, 2020)

+80 More
From  Jonathan Tin 26 plays

Johnson COVID-19: Motivation and Shared Meals , Prof. Kaitlin Woolley (Mar 25, 2020)

+58 More
From  Jonathan Tin 9 plays

Clip of APRIL 10th Updates & Discussion: The Impact of COVID-19 on NYS Animal Shelters

Zoom Recording ID: 736868584 UUID: K70H/N7MScG09ZYLW42cuA== Meeting Time: 2020-04-10T18:28:21Z

From  Sarah Nickerson 18 plays

Mathmatical Modeling Infectious Disease I

We will go through infectious disease modeling basics such as SIR models, Reproduction Ratio and Herd Immunity and examples of several models. On two subsequent Fridays, lectures will focus on…

From  Dave Frank 265 plays

Johnson COVID-19: Sustainability Trends, Prof. Glen Dowell

Zoom Recording ID: 713840977 UUID: 5HvlVACoRkGjJPc9tqWFCw== Meeting Time: 2020-04-10T15:40:46Z

From  Safiyyah Abdul Hamid 57 plays

Cornell MPH Virtual Fair April 7

Zoom Recording ID: 538988602 UUID: 0cPy4ehPRYm7yzFJkkdkWg== Meeting Time: 2020-04-07T19:43:36Z

From  Nicky Beaudoin 269 plays