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01_Welcome to week 1

+19 More
From  Elizabeth Centeno Tablante 7 plays

Getting Results Through Talent Management Q&A Session 1

Zoom Recording ID: 91491030184 UUID: tK8w3ZDoSwKgzG5Y/7eHfw== Meeting Time: 2021-12-09T15:54:39Z

+19 More
From  Amanda Garcia 3 plays

CIS303 Zoom 1/2

Zoom Recording ID: 92884372741 UUID: zBrM5pUwTSeXtq2M+/PgDA== Meeting Time: 2021-10-28T17:00:09Z

+19 More
From  Jonathan Lukens 7 plays

Taking Flight 7/12/2021 11:00am

+22 More
From  Jennifer Davis 4 plays

Taking Flight 7/12/2021 11:30am

+19 More
From  Jennifer Davis 4 plays

Taking Flight 7/13/2021 11:00am

+19 More
From  Jennifer Davis 3 plays

Digital Life Seminar | Julia Stoyanovich

Zoom Recording ID: 94971390717 UUID: TgBOKe+LTKmLvAHwxhRK9g== Meeting Time: 2021-02-25T16:43:54Z

+19 More
From  Michael Byrne 14 plays

Lesson 30.7 Quicksort

The partition algorithm breaks up the list into two kind-of-sorted portions. In this video, we show how to use this fact with divide-and-conquer to implement a new sorting algorithm: quicksort. For…

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 40 plays

Lesson 30.5 Selection Sort

In the previous video we saw that insertion sort is not an ideal sorting algorithm. In this video we try our hand at another algorithm: selection sort. This is another simple algorithm that may be…

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 40 plays

Lesson 29.7 Time Budgeting (OPTIONAL)

This video is not optional because the material is advanced. It is optional because it is not relevant for the final assignment. However, you may be interested in this video if you want to see…

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 27 plays

Lesson 28.7 Iterator Chaining

Generators take iterators as input, but they also produce one as output. In this video we show how to chain iterators together, doing complex operations on our data.

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 48 plays

Lesson 26.7 Convergent While-Loops

In this video we show one of the most powerful while-loop techniques: computing to convergence. Convergence is a concept that most students learn in Calculus, and so we will use a little Calculus in…

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 75 plays

Lesson 26.5 While-Loops vs For-Loops

We can always replace for-loops with while-loops, but should we? In this video we talk about the trade-offs of the two control structures and why it might be better to use over the other.

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 81 plays

Lesson 24.2 The isinstance Function

In this video, we show that we can solve the problem of strict typing by using the isinstance function. This function will be our preferred way for enforcing preconditions going forward.

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 73 plays

SOIL Seminar: Interface Types Introduction and Update

Title: Interface Types Introduction and Update Speaker: Luke Wagner—Fastly Summary: The presentation will recap the motivation and requirements for the Interface Types proposal as well as the…

+15 More
From  Ross Tate 63 plays

Lesson 23.8 Properties (OPTIONAL)

This video introduces an advanced topic that is completely optional and will not appear on any exam. Classes like RGB and Point3 appear to enforce their invariants without any getters and setters.…

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 34 plays