Search for tag: "regression"
Using Stata to Display Advanced Formatting Features in Data VisualizationsGithub page with sample files and code Request CCSS Cloud Computing Account. Schedule a consultation There are many free resources that you can use for further learning.linkedin learning free…
From Jacob Grippin
1 plays
Feature Selection in R.mp4Github page: Fill out evaluation Schedule a consultation View CCSS Workshops Request access to CCSS Cloud Computing Resources, Gain access to our…
From Jacob Grippin
10 plays
Publication Ready Tables in Stata.mp4Link to Github page. File Stata\ for code from session. Double click on .do file to open Stata. Then run code. …
From Jacob Grippin
41 plays
Machine Learning. Supervised Learning in Python.mp4Link to github page Fill out evaluation form here. There are many free resources that you can use for further learning.linkedin learning free…
From Jacob Grippin
13 plays
Publication Ready Tables StataSchedule a consultation There are many free resources that you can use for further learning.linkedin learning free with Cornell sign in.…
From Diana Flores Valdivia
33 plays
Publication Ready Tables in R Fall 2023Use coding file 'Publication Ready Tables code (1).R' Fill out evaluation form here. Schedule a consultation There are many free resources that you can use for further learning.linkedin…
From Jacob Grippin
152 plays
Publication Ready Tables Through Coding(R, Stata)Link to Github page. Contains copies of code and how to access software. Schedule a consultation There are many free resources that you can…
From Caiwei Zhang
20 plays
Fall 2022 PIN Seminar - Diana Thomas, PhDSeminar title: “What my calculus class tells me about the response to diets”
From Nidhi Shrestha
22 plays
Introduction to Stata Spring 2022Stata Commands used During Workshop in text editor: Stata Commands as Syntax File. Double click to open Stata.…
From Jacob Grippin
15 plays
Introduction to SPSS: Crash Course Spring 2022SPSS Commands used During Workshop in text editor: SPSS Commands as Syntax File. Double click to open SPSS.…
From Jacob Grippin
12 plays
Lecture 11/18/21: Automated machine learningZoom Recording ID: 94347618999 UUID: swJzf2foSJGgxZQh1SLErA== Meeting Time: 2021-11-18T14:37:07Z
From Madeleine Udell
95 plays
Lecture 11/9/21: Unsupervised learning (PCA)Zoom Recording ID: 94347618999 UUID: i0nonjabSNqNawDsvIrVAQ== Meeting Time: 2021-11-09T14:28:43Z
From Madeleine Udell
164 plays
Lecture 11/4/21: Losses for classification and multi-class classificationZoom Recording ID: 94347618999 UUID: l1RpSW+qTF6f/eH+Nbq9vQ== Meeting Time: 2021-11-04T13:33:44Z
From Madeleine Udell
171 plays