Search for tag: "nonmetals"

Hot Topic Talk: Guided Materials Discovery (w/virtual tour):Tyrel McQueen, Lucas and Mekhola

Zoom Recording ID: 93911224526 UUID: thTMSuGSSu+9ac//s4/ulw== Meeting Time: 2020-07-27T15:54:57Z

From  James Overhiser 59 plays

Polymers 2

Presenter: Caroline Hinrichs

From  Kenny Berkowitz 75 plays

Karen DeRocher Paradim User Meeting 2019

2019 MRS user meeting, Boston, MA 12/4/2019

From  James Overhiser 20 plays

Julia Mundy Paradim User Meeting 2019

MRS Conference 2019, Boston, MA Dec 4, 2019

From  James Overhiser 93 plays

Sustainable Management of Dairy and Food Wastes Using Hydrothermal Thermal Processing to Recover Energy, Nutrients, and Clean Water

Jefferson Tester, Professor, Sustainable Energy Systems, College of Engineering, December 11, 2018.

+87 More
From  Jennifer Wright 82 plays


+41 More
From  James Overhiser 20 plays

Nuts and Bolts of Oxide MBE #1 (Schlom)

2019 Cornell Summer School LINK to presentation slides

From  James Overhiser 557 plays

Advances in Agricultural Analytics and Digital Agriculture

From  Jennifer Wright 70 plays

Mechanical Ventilation: ACVECC Exam Webinar July 22, 2019

From  Daniel Fletcher 988 plays

Design and Discovery of Near Room temperature Superconductivity (Hemley)

2019 JHU Summer School

+62 More
From  James Overhiser 74 plays

Anesthesia Machine

From  Dave Frank 2,246 plays

2017 REU Jacob Waelder PARADIM REU Nano-Convocation

+98 More
From  James Overhiser 15 plays

DFT: Phonons in Density Functional Theory (Tutorial 4.1)

2018 PARADIM SUMMER SCHOOL Lecture 4.1 Phonons in DFT

From  James Overhiser 687 plays


+146 More
From  James Overhiser 65 plays

Ezra's Round Table/Systems Seminar - Peter Adams: Bringing atmospheric chemical transport modeling into societal decision-making

Society faces the need to overhaul energy and transportation systems to meet climate change and other challenges. These decisions typically have very large “co-benefits” in terms of air…

+95 More
From  E. Cornelius 20 plays

Ezra's Round Table/Systems Seminar on 4/8/2011 - Mary D. Nichols

Ezra Round Table/Systems Seminar on Friday, April 8, 2011: Mary D. Nichols, Chairman, California Air Resources Board

+105 More
From  E. Cornelius 13 plays