01:30:50duration 1 hour 30 minutes
RMarkdown Fall 2021 Recording
01:10:03duration 1 hour 10 minutes
PAM 5679 Desktop and Modeling Solutions (2021FA)
Zoom Recording ID: 98283973648 UUID: D02yz6O0RUiKe9cWBAK5eQ== Meeting Time: 2021-09-08T12:04:11Z
51:19duration 51 minutes 19 seconds
AEM 2000 Contemporary Controversies in the Global…
AEM 2000 Contemporary Controversies in the Global Economy (2021SP) Lecture
Zoom Recording ID: 94155485003 UUID: mwJiPEF3S4ClPP+ASSxaNg== Meeting Time: 2021-05-10T15:08:28Z
49:20duration 49 minutes 20 seconds
Zoom Recording ID: 94155485003 UUID: Bp7i7Se7QJiovQmuxJPXaw== Meeting Time: 2021-02-24T16:02:08Z
01:33:58duration 1 hour 33 minutes
Equidox Training
Zoom Recording ID: 98551959217 UUID: o98MtwrARsOJO6YJxufW+w== Meeting Time: 2020-06-09T17:52:21Z
02:42:13duration 2 hours 42 minutes
Web Accessibility for Content Contributors
01:00:12duration 1 hour 0 minutes
Drupal SIG: Layout Builder with Ted Bowman
Ted Bowman of Acquia goes over the features of the Layout Builder module which is now included in Drupal Core 8.7
59:02duration 59 minutes 2 seconds
DrupalCamp 2018: Bricks and WYSIWYG paragraphs…
DrupalCamp 2018: Bricks and WYSIWYG paragraphs for Impressive Pages without Developers
Bricks, paragraphs, and modifiers allow enormously flexible page layouts that are easy for content providers to build. WYSIWYG paragraphs let authors make dynamic content areas interspersed with…
Bricks and WYSIWYG paragraphs for Impressive…
Bricks and WYSIWYG paragraphs for Impressive Pages without Developers
49:58duration 49 minutes 58 seconds
CS2110-FA17-08 Session 08
2017-09-15 00:00:00+00