Search for tag: "fire"

20240313_Distinguished Speaker Series on Free Expression_Jeff Kosseff

From  Matt Gorney 12 plays

Cornell Nutrition Conference - VanSoest 1993

From  Kelly Heath 20 plays

Tour A CUPD Squad Car | Cornell Kids@Home

Office Camilli takes you on a tour of his "office" when he's on patrol on campus. Part of Cornell Kids@Home 2021, a virtual Bring a Child to Work Day program, explore more here:…

From  Gerald Deis 7 plays

ORIE Reunion 2020 (Class of 1976-1985)

Zoom Recording ID: 98681123807 UUID: 6sQOIZe9QvGytRhRDhzCqg== Meeting Time: 2020-06-06T18:13:54Z

From  Henry Lam 7 plays

ORIE Reunion 2020 (Class of 1975 and before)

Zoom Recording ID: 99394262808 UUID: nlekE4qySgunWrFoH2DURg== Meeting Time: 2020-06-06T18:48:43Z

From  Henry Lam 3 plays

Chemical Look A Likes_1

From  Jolene Zaia 8 plays

ATV safety_1

From  Jolene Zaia 8 plays

CCE Oswego Horse Treats

From  Jolene Zaia 5 plays

COVID-19 – A Virologist’s Perspective for Veterinarians - Baker Institute for Animal Health

Zoom Recording ID: 761914758 UUID: Xq1lGhsrRzm8f8FL4Gt4/g== Meeting Time: 2020-04-17T19:47:09Z COVID-19 has deeply affected you and your ability to serve your patients and their owners. In this…

From  Heather Hughes 286 plays

BEE 3600 Lecture 14 Video

From  Buz Barstow 11 plays

Envenomations: ACVECC Exam Webinar August 22, 2019

From  Daniel Fletcher 620 plays

CIHF Presenter Erin Robertson

From  Nikki Cerra 8 plays

Diffraction (Part 2)

2017 PARADIM Diffraction part 2 David Muller

From  James Overhiser 145 plays


From  James Overhiser 12 plays


From  James Overhiser 19 plays

Accessing Capital - Farm Credit East: Planning budgets

Annastasia Brothman, Tax Associate

From  Audia Denton 7 plays