Search for tag: "accessibility"
Neurodiversity Dialogues: Human Development & NeurominoritiesIn this session, we will discuss how human development theories apply to neurominorities, questioning the validity of frameworks used to evaluate the abilities and capacities of neurodivergent…
From Florencia Ardon
7 plays
An introduction to Moodle 4..0Zoom meeting recording from 11/30/2022 introducing Moodle 4.0. Includes history, demonstration of some features and questions and answers.
From Paul Treadwell
30 plays
Intro to accessibility 11_17_22Introduction to accessibility and recommendations for making your websites, documents and social media posts accessible.
From Paul Treadwell
7 plays
CIS306 One Live MeetingZoom Recording ID: 94534075294 UUID: Gyg19Dw5QuKcFg38jY1zeQ== Meeting Time: 2021-12-30 06:30:13pm
From Jonathan Lukens
4 plays
Accessibility and inclusion in online meetingsZoom meeting recording | Gathering online is now a commonplace for us. While we may be well acquainted with the basics of Zoom, how do you ensure that your meetings are as accessible and inclusive as…
From Paul Treadwell
31 plays
WA Process Overview 2021Zoom Recording ID: 7746103237 UUID: VaIH1medSBCTbKU/K5ebcA== Meeting Time: 2021-08-26T13:29:34Z
From Irina Zhankov
10 plays
Siteimprove – Introducing the NextGen Accessibility ModuleZoom Recording ID: 93995454466 UUID: 3CuHAiS2SLCrJus4mYJtpw== Meeting Time: 2021-07-14T18:50:52Z
From Brandon Brylinsky
27 plays
M&I Special Seminar Colleen Lau - June 24, 2021Zoom Recording ID: 99672757875 UUID: 0wzsQ1mcSVGH9U0LK6tdJw== Meeting Time: 2021-06-24T13:46:02Z
From Jackie Creque
15 plays
How to: Accessible Zoom meetings.Zoom Recording ID: 97170613277 UUID: zMoo1lAeRy2CSyOGubkGBg== Meeting Time: 2021-04-14T16:51:55Z
From Paul Treadwell
9 plays
IntroductionIntroduction (length: 4:59) to the Ally Training Workshop In this training workshop, learn to use Ally, a new tool in Canvas to help improve course accessibility. The workshop will cover the basic…
From Cornell CTI
123 plays
Canvas Accessibility CheckerCanvas Accessibility Checker (length: 9:55) from the Ally Training Workshop In this training workshop, learn to use Ally, a new tool in Canvas to help improve course accessibility. The workshop will…
From Cornell CTI
116 plays
Uses & Limitations of AllyUses & Limitations of Ally (length: 3:43) from the Ally Training Workshop In this training workshop, learn to use Ally, a new tool in Canvas to help improve course accessibility. The workshop…
From Cornell CTI
84 plays
Ally Accessibility ReportAlly Accessibility Report (length: 3:40) from the Ally Training Workshop In this training workshop, learn to use Ally, a new tool in Canvas to help improve course accessibility. The workshop will…
From Cornell CTI
50 plays
PDF Example and Accessibility IndicatorsPDF Example and Accessibility Indicators (length: 3:02) from the Ally Training Workshop In this training workshop, learn to use Ally, a new tool in Canvas to help improve course accessibility. The…
From Cornell CTI
60 plays
Adding Alternative Text in CanvasAdding Alternative Text in Canvas (length: 1:44) from the Ally Training Workshop In this training workshop, learn to use Ally, a new tool in Canvas to help improve course accessibility. The workshop…
From Cornell CTI
49 plays
Ally Accessibility Indicator in CanvasAlly Accessibility Indicator in a Canvas Page (length: 0:57) from the Ally Training Workshop In this training workshop, learn to use Ally, a new tool in Canvas to help improve course accessibility.…
From Cornell CTI
34 plays