Search for tag: "technology"

Fall 2024 PIN Seminar - Anaïs Rameau, MDCM

Dr. Anaïs Rameau, MDCM, MSc, MPhil, MS, FACS, Associate Professor, Laryngology, Chief of Dysphagia, Director of New Technologies, Weill Cornell Medicine Sean Parker Institute for the Voice -…

+23 More
From  Anna Bennett 2 plays

Contextualizing the Problems of the Engineering Curriculum | 2024 Bovay Lecture | Jon Leydens (Colorado School of Mines)

The Sue and Harry Bovay Lecture on the History and Ethics of Engineering is an annual event that brings distinguished speakers to Cornell to provoke thought and conversation around social and ethical…

From  Trystan Goetze 43 plays

CTBN October 2021 Forum

Enhancing Competitiveness via Embedded Digitization -How Digital Apps and AI Speed Up B2B Lending and Transactions “You’re Approved!” is music to one business…

+30 More
From  Bonna Davidson 13 plays

CTBN August Forum

Gone are the days of grainy, dark video camera images. LiDAR and vision technologies coupled with Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics are ushering in a new way of seeing things in…

+29 More
From  Bonna Davidson 13 plays

CTBN July 2021 Forum

Cornell Technology Business Network presents the July 2021 Forum. Supply chain disruption! Over the past 18 months, we've all experienced them in our daily lives: from toilet paper, to…

+28 More
From  Bonna Davidson 16 plays

8.25.20 Cation Exchange for High Acid High pH Wines

Misha Kwasniewski and Chris Gerling describe a winemaking practice for dealing with high pH - high acid wines called Cation Exchange, which uses a medium to replace K+ ions in the wine with H+,…

From  Tim Martinson 132 plays

Session 4 Panel Discussion - Food Spoilage- Causes and Prevention

Moderator: Carmen I. MoraruAaron Adalja: Food Waste MarketsRenata Ivanek: Modeling of Food WasteMartin Wiedmann: A Modeling Approach to Predicting Food Shelf Life to Reduce Food Waste

+91 More
From  Rajni Aneja 47 plays

Tuesday Tech Tips/FLIT Edition ft. Care and Feeding of Your PC

Zoom Recording ID: 96064368984 UUID: PMqdlZA+RLaVKq4Sm9D/LQ== Meeting Time: 2020-08-18T13:48:18Z

From  Cate Sirek 1 plays

Session 2: Bargaining Power

2018-01-30 00:00:00+00

From  Donald Bazley 1,102 plays

Rachael Keneipp 2020 REU final presentation

Zoom Recording ID: 97214601225 UUID: UlnuuPOnS6aBDTLJ9vagow== Meeting Time: 2020-08-06T12:59:57Z

From  James Overhiser 63 plays

Covid-Era Laboratory Teaching: Part 2

In this first meeting instructors will have the opportunity to discuss plans for in-person labs with technology for remote participation, virtual labs, and more. Cornell lab instructors will present…

+35 More
From  Cornell CTI 23 plays

CaSE August Meeting

Zoom Recording ID: 3158575918 UUID: s4k5LO08S4OFgRGIdHWodw== Meeting Time: 2020-08-06T20:06:24Z

+82 More
From  Terrance Carroll 3 plays

Hot Topic talk: Darrell Schlom, "How Wacky Oxides have Improved Transistors"

Zoom Recording ID: 99117378787 UUID: MvQYk7IQTfKH87uoiCmKTA== Meeting Time: 2020-07-29T15:52:47Z

From  James Overhiser 111 plays

Bioengineering - Engineering the Future of Medicine, Technology, and More!

Presenter: Olivia Whitmarsh

From  Kenny Berkowitz 157 plays

Polymers 2

Presenter: Caroline Hinrichs

From  Kenny Berkowitz 75 plays

Session 24: Cross National Unionism

From  Donald Bazley 469 plays