Search for tag: "insurance"
Becoming Big Red: Cornell Family Orientation Conversation | Health & Wellbeing at Cornell | July 11, 2024The Becoming Big Red: Cornell Family Orientation Conversation Series is hosted by the Cornell University Office of Parent & Family Programs. Our topic is Health and Wellbeing at Cornell. Joined…
From Rebecca Osborne
191 plays
CCE Chemung Solar Workshop 2023 Session III: Solar Farm Contract ConsiderationsShould we solarize Chemung? A community conversation on solar in Chemung County. Session III panelists: Scott Moore (EMC) – Scott D. Moore Law Office Dwight E. Kanyuk, Attorney at Law…
From Elizabeth Melville
28 plays
CCE Chemung Solar Workshop 2023 Session II: Solar Farm ConsiderationsShould we solarize Chemung? A community conversation on solar in Chemung County. Session II panelists: Kevin Meindl – Chemung County Planning Janet Thigpen (Water…
From Elizabeth Melville
17 plays
CCE Chemung Solar Workshop 2023 Session I: Solar Technology OverviewShould we solarize Chemung? A community conversation on solar in Chemung County. Session I panelists:Cory Wyant, John King of Halco Energy Dan Compitello Delaware River Solar Omar Khaleel of Clear…
From Elizabeth Melville
24 plays
RetirementGuard | Open Enrollment 2022A presentation of Retirement Guard, available to Cornell Endowed Employees. Presented as part of Benefair 2022.
From Gerald Deis
4 plays
Retirement Guard | Open Enrollment 2021Review this presentation for retirement insurance information from Retirement Guard. Recorded during Benefair Week as part of Open Enrollment 2021.
From Gerald Deis
6 plays
Arag Legal | Open Enrollment 2021A presentation on the benefits of legal insurance from Arag Legal, part of Benefair Week during Open Enrollment 2021.
From Gerald Deis
21 plays
Regional Disaster Risk Modeling featuring Dr. Linda NozickRegional Disaster Risk Modeling How do you untangle the kinds of complex problems organizations and stakeholders face? It's essential to see the network as a whole and avoid thinking about…
From Alexis Vargas
42 plays
Cornell Retirees Information Meeting | Open Enrollment 2021Gordon Barger, Senior Director of Benefit Services and Administration, is joined by Dee Hill and Joe Bouche, Aetna Retiree Services Center, to discuss the Open Enrollment period for Cornell Retirees.…
From Gerald Deis
36 plays
Dyson Faculty Research Seminar - Chris BarrettZoom Recording ID: 92151442793 UUID: ccOf6lqcSKS0nVjbkYJ/qw== Meeting Time: 2021-09-16T15:17:41Z
From Chris Barrett
25 plays
Dyson Faculty Research Seminar - Suzanne Shu Aug 26, 2021Zoom Recording ID: 94311321667 UUID: 20+wKEXoRbaQf3fudOFD3A== Meeting Time: 2021-08-26T15:20:53Z
From Chris Barrett
31 plays
Humphrey Fellows: Last Call for Pre-Departure LogisticsZoom Recording ID: 93432033029 UUID: SyRryakKTNaLbbE/6LSllw== Meeting Time: 2021-08-03T13:17:32Z
From Francine Barchett
17 plays
AEM 2000 Contemporary Controversies in the Global Economy (2021SP) LectureZoom Recording ID: 94155485003 UUID: 2sZ8rZzaSOu9XHlb4f3z3Q== Meeting Time: 2021-03-24T15:04:06Z
From Chris Barrett
6 plays
AEM 2000 Contemporary Controversies in the Global Economy (2021SP) LectureZoom Recording ID: 94155485003 UUID: p5X1NIqYRqOl6W6tQltjsQ== Meeting Time: 2021-03-17T15:09:22Z
From Chris Barrett
6 plays