Join us for a rich discussion on technology and student engagement. Cornell University offers thousands of opportunities beyond the classroom – study abroad, community-engaged learning,…
What is Drupal? What do I need to know to get started working with it? We're glad you asked! This session will present Drupal concepts and terminology, and show examples of some basic tasks such…
Your new site looks great. It has all the bells and whistles, and some pretty awesome graphics. But - are you ready for actual GO LIVE?! There's a lot to launching a site and we'll…
University websites must balance many competing priorities. The web presence needs to encourage undergrad enrollment, direct current students to needed resources, inform people visiting the physical…
Requirements gathering is fundamental to running a successful project. Breaking down the requirements into the right work packages can be an artform. This session will walk you through the redesign…
Businesses with hundreds or even thousands of web pages may need a technical solution to migrate pages to Drupal from their legacy environments. Session will include discussing business and technical…
Bricks, paragraphs, and modifiers allow enormously flexible page layouts that are easy for content providers to build. WYSIWYG paragraphs let authors make dynamic content areas interspersed with…