37:18duration 37 minutes 18 seconds
CS2110-FA17-24 Session 24
2017-11-15 00:00:00+00
33:48duration 33 minutes 48 seconds
CS2110-FA17-27 Session 27
2017-11-29 00:00:00+00
01:01:40duration 1 hour 1 minute
ORIE Colloquium on 2/4/2014 - John Duchi: Machine…
ORIE Colloquium on 2/4/2014 - John Duchi: Machine Learning: a Discipline of Resource Tradeoffs
Tuesday, February 4, 2014 at 4:15pm Upson Hall, B17 ORIE Colloquium: John Duchi (UC Berkeley) - Machine Learning: a Discipline of Resource Tradeoffs Joint colloquium with Computer Science. How…