Search for tag: "software testing"

Johnson COVID-19: Supply Chain Impacts, Prof. Li Chen (Mar 24, 2020)

From  Jonathan Tin 27 plays

DrupalCamp 2018: Get on the Behat Tests Bandwagon

If you work in Drupal and keep your ears open, you have probably heard of "Behat" testing. Behavioral testing is the best way to ensure the functionality of your Drupal site using basic…

+49 More
From  Nick Tubbs 33 plays

Trusted Hardware and Blockchain Alchemy -- Professor Ari Juels

From  Steven Gallow 32 plays

CS2110-FA17-03 Session 03

2017-08-29 00:00:00+00

+57 More
From 342 plays

CFEM Seminar - Dennis Ignatovich and Grant Passmore: Formal Verification for Safety and Fairness of Financial Algorithms

From  E. Cornelius 6 plays

Produce Safety Educator's Call #30

Summary of the Water Summit & ag water resources developed by PSA.

From  Gretchen Wall 53 plays