Freedom House reports that its global index of civil rights and political liberties has been declining for 13 consecutive years from 2005 till 2018, with 68 countries experiencing a net decline in…
The Sixth Biennial
Urie Bronfenbrenner Conference An Equal Start: Policy and Practice to Promote Equality of Opportunity for Children October 25-26,
2018 Section: Education and
Equality of…
The Sixth Biennial
Urie Bronfenbrenner Conference An Equal Start: Policy and Practice to Promote Equality of Opportunity for Children October 25-26,
2018 Section: Multigenerational
Influences on…
In AY 2017-2018, the Institute for European Studies launched the IES Migrations Series which conceptualizes the migration of not only people, but also images, words, ideas, technologies, objects,…
The Third Biennial Urie Bronfenbrenner Conference
The Neuroscience of Risky Decision Making
September 22-23, 2011
102 Mann Library (off the lobby)
Cornell University
In a complete markets economy with heterogeneous consumers whether consumers vanish or survive is determined entirely by discount factors and beliefs. All else equal, the (complete) market selects…