Search for tag: "dispute resolution"

WA training 041020

+101 More
From  Irina Zhankov 67 plays

20191028_CIHF Roundtable_Workplace Well-Being_Tricia Taylor

From  Matt Gorney 7 plays

20190722_SCT_Hent de Vries

+88 More
From  Carla Liesching 48 plays

05. Ross Etherton, Interrupting the War Machine

+56 More
From  jrp354 32 plays

03. Alan Beyerchen, Kluge & Clausewitz

+180 More
From  jrp354 73 plays

07 - Promoting Equality of Educational Opportunity by Investing Early - Watts, Raver

The Sixth Biennial Urie Bronfenbrenner Conference An Equal Start: Policy and Practice to Promote Equality of Opportunity for Children October 25-26, 2018 Section: Education and Equality of…

+99 More
From  Carrie Chalmers 20 plays

11 - How Do Early Life Experiences Affect Equality of Opportunity for Future Generations? - Page, East

The Sixth Biennial Urie Bronfenbrenner Conference An Equal Start: Policy and Practice to Promote Equality of Opportunity for Children October 25-26, 2018 Section: Multigenerational Influences on…

From  Carrie Chalmers 76 plays


+56 More
From  James Overhiser 16 plays

Session 19: Comparative Labor Relations, An Introduction and a Focus on Germany and Japan

2018-04-17 00:00:00+00

+165 More
From  Donald Bazley 908 plays

Session 20: Comparative Labor Relations, A Focus on Emerging Countries

2018-04-19 00:00:00+00

+166 More
From  Donald Bazley 743 plays

Session 8: Union Growth and Decline

2018-02-22 00:00:00+00

+116 More
From  Donald Bazley 618 plays

Session 18: Public Sector Labor Relations in NYC

2018-04-12 00:00:00+00

+106 More
From  Donald Bazley 554 plays

Session 3: Employment Systems

Originally Session #3 Employment Systems2018-02-01 00:00:00+00

From  Donald Bazley 783 plays

21 - Orthogonality continued Session 21

2009-03-06 09:06:55+00

+33 More
From 32 plays

02 - Decision-making in Clinical Conditions: Is This Knowledge Useful for Neuroeconomics?

+140 More
From  Marshall Perryman 26 plays

CAM Colloquium - Alex Townsend: Fast transforms based on asymptotic expansions of special functions

A great success of the 20th century was the development of fast transforms such as the fast Fourier transform, the fast multipole method, and butterfly algorithms. In this talk we carefully employ…

+94 More
From  E. Cornelius 18 plays