Teaching Strategies - Mini Lectures (length: 7:46) from In-Person Teaching with Remote Students, Part A: Teaching students in socially-distanced classrooms with access for remote students allows…
This webinar was prepared in August
2020. COVID-19 guidance continues to evolve at the state and county levels. Please check with
your city or county health department for any new guidelines,…
The Institute for European Studies hosted "Conversations on European Matters in the Midst of a Pandemic" on May 13th, 2020. This webinar includes a series of conversations with scholars to…
Europe has a long history of family separation, which includes both violent immigration control and advocacy against these discriminatory practices. In this panel, scholars who have researched…
A recent choice model is based on modeling the customer choice process through a Markov chain. In this choice model, a customer arrives into the system with the intention of purchasing a particular…
Computing reliable solutions to inverse problems is important in many applications such as biomedical imaging, computer graphics, and security. Regularization by incorporating prior knowledge is…