Search for tag: "literary criticism"

Implementing Increased Transparency and Reproducibility in Economics

Replicability is at the core of the scientific…

From  ga.ldi ga.ldi 26 plays

20190710_SCT_David Damrosch

From  Carla Liesching 70 plays

07. Hans Jürgen Scheuer, Tricksterprosa & apokryphes Erzählen

From  jrp354 64 plays

08. Dorothea Walzer, Marx as Model & Question

From  jrp354 42 plays

11. Juan-Jacques Aupiais, Parallel Globalizations

From  jrp354 54 plays

14. Alexis Radisoglou, (Anti-)Realism for the Anthropocene

+193 More
From  jrp354 145 plays

Session 20: Comparative Labor Relations, A Focus on Emerging Countries

2018-04-19 00:00:00+00

+166 More
From  Donald Bazley 777 plays

36 - Beam review Session 36

2010-11-19 08:17:08+00

From 51 plays

CS2110-FA17-10 Session 10

2017-09-22 00:00:00+00

+79 More
From 338 plays

04 - Example problems and review of known material Session 4

2009-01-26 09:06:45+00

From 49 plays

Wei Mi 02.06.18 1 of 3

Cryo-EM candidate

From  Rebecca Givens 13 plays

IES Migrations Series: Outlawing Dissent

In AY 2017-2018, the Institute for European…

+94 More
From  Pamela Hunsinger 64 plays