57:57duration 57 minutes 57 seconds
Managing and Supporting Remote Teams
An important webinar tailored specifically to…
03:52:13duration 3 hours 52 minutes
Software Presentation by Sage Intacct - Sep 5 …
Software Presentation by Sage Intacct - Sep 5 part 1
01:55:24duration 1 hour 55 minutes
20190710_SCT_David Damrosch
01:50:44duration 1 hour 50 minutes
20190702_SCT_Ankhi Mukherjee
01:11:06duration 1 hour 11 minutes
20190625_SCT_Rahel Jaeggi
55:44duration 55 minutes 44 seconds
Privacy-Protecting Smart Contracts at Scale --…
Privacy-Protecting Smart Contracts at Scale -- Noah Johnson
01:10:47duration 1 hour 10 minutes
ORIE 9000 Colloquium - Siddhartha Bannerjee: New…
ORIE 9000 Colloquium - Siddhartha Bannerjee: New Models and Mechanisms for Online Platforms
Abstract: New online platforms are profoundly…
02:29:20duration 2 hours 29 minutes
IES Migrations Series: Crossing the…
IES Migrations Series: Crossing the Mediterranean: Migration, Death, and Culture
In AY 2017-2018, the Institute for European…
40:48duration 40 minutes 48 seconds
11 - Negative affect predicting general health:…
11 - Negative affect predicting general health: What we know, and where to go from here
Susan T. Charles, University of California,…
37:44duration 37 minutes 44 seconds
02 - Leveraging motivation to improve aging…
02 - Leveraging motivation to improve aging outcomes
Laura L. Carstensen, Stanford University …