Search for tag: "21st century"

CNF 35th Anniversary Morning Talks

Roger Howe (Stanford) Neil Gershenfeld (MIT)

From  Karlis Musa 30 plays

IES Migrations Series: The Future of EU? Immigration and the Rise of Populism

Freedom House reports that its global index of civil rights and political liberties has been declining for 13 consecutive years from 2005 till 2018, with 68 countries experiencing a net decline in…

From  Pamela Hunsinger 45 plays

01. L. Adelson, Opening, and M. Jennings, Keynote, Untimely Interventions & German Media Landscape

+82 More
From  jrp354 88 plays

12. Tara Hottman, Kluge’s Installations

From  jrp354 55 plays