Search for tag: "category"
Survey WritingThere are many free resources that you can use for further learning.linkedin learning free with Cornell sign in.…
From Caiwei Zhang
5 plays
President's Awards for Employee Excellence - 2022 CeremonyFull event recording of the 2022 President's Awards for Employee Excellence. Recorded November 18, 2022.
From Gerald Deis
21 plays
President's Awards for Employee Excellence - 2021 CeremonyFull recording of the President's Awards for Employee Excellence Ceremony, held on November 19, 2021. Excellence Awards Program Webpage:…
From Gerald Deis
8 plays
Session 1-5: Established and Novel Approaches to Modelling Food Loss and Waste and Effectiveness of Reduction StrategiesEstablished and Novel Approaches to Modelling Food Loss and Waste and Effectiveness of Reduction Strategies Renata Ivanek, Cornell University This talk introduces a general…
From Aljosa Trmcic
5 plays
Q & AQuestions and answers following the the presentation "FeedBackFuits: Peer learning and group evaluation use cases"
From Zach Butler
25 plays
Early Childhood Education in Uganda: A Virtual ELOCora Cannedy is a junior in the College of Arts and Sciences majoring in Biology and Society with minors in Global Health and Spanish. She is passionate about health equity, especially in the field…
From MacKenzie Vick
46 plays
Cornell Population Center Seminar Recording | Ariela SchachterZoom Recording ID: 95917045519 UUID: hMiXs4WwR+mi7eeigI/2/A== Meeting Time: 2020-10-02T15:48:47Z
From Meg Cole
46 plays
Mindful SnackingErin Harner, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with Cornell Wellness shares simple strategies for mindful snacking including ten snack ideas you could try today #CornellWellness…
From Erin Harner
96 plays
IES Migrations Series: Exiles in the 21st century: The New ‘Population Law’ of Absolute CapitalismIn AY 2017-2018, the Institute for European Studies launched the IES Migrations Series which conceptualizes the migration of not only people, but also images, words, ideas, technologies, objects,…
From Pamela Hunsinger
116 plays