Search for tag: "marxist theory"

20190722_SCT_Hent de Vries

From  Carla Liesching 48 plays

IES Migrations Series: The Future of EU? Immigration and the Rise of Populism

Freedom House reports that its global index of civil rights and political liberties has been declining for 13 consecutive years from 2005 till 2018, with 68 countries experiencing a net decline in…

From  Pamela Hunsinger 44 plays

08. Dorothea Walzer, Marx as Model & Question

From  jrp354 40 plays

15. Concluding Roundtable with Susan Buck-Morss, Richard Langston, and Leslie Adelson

From  jrp354 66 plays

IES Migrations Series: Exiles in the 21st century: The New ‘Population Law’ of Absolute Capitalism

In AY 2017-2018, the Institute for European Studies launched the IES Migrations Series which conceptualizes the migration of not only people, but also images, words, ideas, technologies, objects,…

From  Pamela Hunsinger 115 plays


From  James Overhiser 15 plays

Session 19: Comparative Labor Relations, An Introduction and a Focus on Germany and Japan

2018-04-17 00:00:00+00

From  Donald Bazley 905 plays

Session 6: Union and Management Approaches to Organizing

2018-02-14 00:00:00+00 Originally lecture #6

From  Donald Bazley 789 plays

02 - Decision-making in Clinical Conditions: Is This Knowledge Useful for Neuroeconomics?

From  Marshall Perryman 26 plays