Antin Infrastructure Partners is a private equity firm with offices in Paris, London, New York, Luxembourg and Singapore. In summer 2023, Antin had a conference in Boston, and they invited Cornell…
Melanie Bridges, Director for PayFlex Account Management, presents information on PayFlex and Flexible Spending Accounts for Contract College Option Transfer 2021. For more information on Option…
Donna Bugliari, Benefit Services and Administration, introduces Melanie Bridges, PayFlex representative, who leads a presentation on Flexible Spending Accounts from PayFlex. Contact PayFlex at…
An important webinar tailored specifically to Cornell managers and supervisors as the majority of teams move to remote work. Cornell experts and managers of remote teams will share practical tools…
The Sixth Biennial
Urie Bronfenbrenner Conference An Equal Start: Policy and Practice to Promote Equality of Opportunity for Children October 25-26,
2018 Section: Education and
Equality of…