Search for tag: "proof theory"


From  James Overhiser 22 plays

What is Permissionless Consensus? - Professor Elaine Shi

From  Steven Gallow 93 plays

Sharding - Vitalik Buterin

From  Steven Gallow 1,556 plays

Graph Isomorphism -- Professor Jens Groth

From  Steven Gallow 53 plays

08 - Internal forces and 3D statics Session 8

2010-09-13 19:58:25+00

From 196 plays

CS2110-FA17-25 Session 25

2017-11-17 00:00:00+00

From 58 plays

30 - Determinants Part 2 Session 30

2009-04-03 09:07:28+00

From 26 plays

16 - Vector spaces and isomorphisms Session 16

2009-02-23 09:06:33+00

From 45 plays

06 - Risk and Ambiguity in the Nervous System

From  Marshall Perryman 29 plays

07 - Discussion of: Risk and Ambiguity in the Nervous System

The Third Biennial Urie Bronfenbrenner Conference The Neuroscience of Risky Decision Making September 22-23, 2011 102 Mann Library (off the lobby) Cornell University

From  Marshall Perryman 15 plays

CFEM Seminar - Dennis Ignatovich and Grant Passmore: Formal Verification for Safety and Fairness of Financial Algorithms

From  E. Cornelius 6 plays

ORIE Colloquium on 11/18/2014 - Patrick Cheridito: Equilibrium Pricing under Translation Invariant Preferences

Abstract: A general discrete-time framework for deriving equilibrium prices of financial assets is proposed. It allows for heterogenous agents, unspanned random endowments and convex trading…

From  E. Cornelius 61 plays

CAM Colloquium, September 21, 2012 - Hans Föllmer

Hans Föllmer Institute for Mathematics Humboldt Universität zu Berlin Some Martingale Aspects of Financial Bubbles We discuss some recent developments in the probabilistic analysis…

From  E. Cornelius 6 plays

CAM Colloquium, 2015-02-06 - David Easley: Wealth Dynamics and Pareto Optimality in Complete and Incomplete Markets

From  E. Cornelius 22 plays

04 - Neural Responses to Financial Incentives and Risks across the Lifespan

From  Marshall Perryman 35 plays