Search for tag: "government"
Berger International Speaker Series with Shunsuke Kimura – Pandemic and Change of Japanese Inter-governmental Relations: Need to Build Trust in Vertical and Horizontal Intergovernmental RelationshipsThe pandemic brought about post-pandemic changes in the vertical relationship between the central government (CG) and local governments (LGs) and in the horizontal relationship between the…
From Julie Paschal
2 plays
Fall 2024 PIN Seminar - Daniel Raiten, PhD FASNDr. Daniel Raiten, PhD FASN, Senior Nutrition Scientist, National Institutes of Health, joins the Program in International Nutrition Seminar. Title: Addressing complexity in a complex world |…
From Anna Bennett
0 plays
Antin 2023 US Infrastructure Panel with Rick GeddesAntin Infrastructure Partners is a private equity firm with offices in Paris, London, New York, Luxembourg and Singapore. In summer 2023, Antin had a conference in Boston, and they invited Cornell…
From Olga Petrova
6 plays
Shant Boyajian: Infrastructure Challenges for Small Cities and MunicipalitiesThought Leaders on Infrastructure video series. Shant Boyajian, a Partner with Nossaman LLP, highlights the infrastructure challenges which small cities and municipalities confront. Shant notes…
From Olga Petrova
15 plays
Steve Wicker: Broadband Infrastructure; Impact of 5G Mobile NetworkSteve Wicker, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Cornell University, talks about the impact of the 5G mobile network. Steve observes that the private sector has traditionally…
From Olga Petrova
20 plays
Gina Park: Drayage Trucks"Thought Leaders in Infrastructure" Video Series presents -- In this video, Ph.D. candidate Gina Park talks about her research into the Clean Truck Program, and how it shows that the…
From Olga Petrova
38 plays