Search for tag: "injuries"

Veterinary Science Taking Care of Animals - at the Vet and in the Wild!

Presenter: Olivia Whitmarsh

From  Kenny Berkowitz 207 plays

Tim the Athletic Trainer shares his experience

Zoom Recording ID: 872156419 UUID: 5KZpKdiuREKY72byeeBbqg== Meeting Time: 2020-05-19T17:51:31Z

From  Chris O'Neal 6 plays

Cornell Wellness Take a Break Tuesdays - Take 5!

From  Ruth Merle-Doyle 18 plays

Physiology of Pain: ACVECC Exam Webinar August 5, 2019

From  Daniel Fletcher 582 plays

CIHF Presenter Erin Robertson

From  Nikki Cerra 8 plays

Forage - Optimizing Animal Performance: Factors affecting dry matter intake

Karen Hoffman, NRCS

From  Audia Denton 83 plays

CAM Colloquium September 19, 2014 - Julianne Chung: Designing Optimal Spectral Filters and Low-Rank Matrices for Inverse Problems

Computing reliable solutions to inverse problems is important in many applications such as biomedical imaging, computer graphics, and security. Regularization by incorporating prior knowledge is…

From  E. Cornelius 32 plays

Cow Comfort on NY Tiestall and Freestall Dairies Cornell PRODAIRY Thursday Dairy Update Webinar

Cornell PRODAIRY Thursday Dairy Update Webinar Cow Comfort on NY Tiestall and Freestall Dairies.Presenter Lindsay Ferlito, MS, Dairy Specialist, North Country Regional Ag Team, Cornell Cooperatiave…

From  jrp354 52 plays

Ventral Midline Wound Closure

From  Dave Frank 1,345 plays

Avian Physical Exam

From  Dave Frank 452 plays