Together with Weill Cornell Medicine, the Cornell Systems Engineering program has created a new Health Systems Engineering pathway in our M.Eng. degree, which can be completed either on campus or…
The Cornell Master of Engineering in Engineering Management (MEM) Program prepares individuals to reach their potential as innovators, people leaders, and decision makers. Our part-time Distance…
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Short Bio: Darryl Farber is an Assistant Professor of Engineering Design in the School of Engineering Design, Technology, and Professional Programs in the College of Engineering at Penn State…
Ariel Schulsinger is a junior in the College of Human Ecology majoring in Global and Public Health Sciences with minors in Business, Health Policy, and Health Equity. She is passionate about health…
Toral Patel, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Programs Consultant, offers some insight on what being culturally competent means. Watch the full Interview here:…
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UUID: tYzB48zETzmUuzPJy9+Yaw==
Meeting Time: 2021-12-01T23:08:10Z
PARADIM Summer School 2021 Materials Growth and Design - Frustrated and
Quantum Magnetism: Closing