Search for tag: "discussion"
2024 Day in the Life Cornell M.Eng. in Engineering Management On-Campus ProgramFollow Shivani as she shows you what the average day looks like for a Cornell M.Eng. in Engineering Management student.
From Alexis Vargas
11 plays
Break and Learn: Value of Veterans in the Workplace (11.16.2023)A Presentation and Panel Discussion facilitated by Erin Sember-Chase, DIB DEI Learning Consultant and Debra Howell, Chair of Veterans Colleague Networking GroupMilitary veterans are a rich talent…
From Grace DePaull
21 plays
Connecting food producers to institutional markets: April '23 CoE Coffee & Coaching & ConnectionsDetails: CoE Coffee, Coaching & Connections, presented by the New York State Center of Excellence for Food and Agriculture at Cornell AgriTech, is a monthly series highlighting industry and…
From Danielle DiDuro
9 plays
Session 2-1: Day 2 Welcome, Day 1 RecapDay 2 Welcome; Day 1 Recap Aaron Adalja, Cornell UniversityMartin Wiedmann, Cornell University
From Aljosa Trmcic
5 plays
What works: Classroom polling ideas to engage students (part 2)Natasha Holmes, Assistant Professor, Physics Polling Presentation with Q&A
From Zach Butler
477 plays
305 One Live MeetingZoom Recording ID: 91654607924 UUID: gKF29u88SBG+87O4YOm3eg== Meeting Time: 2021-12-09T18:00:30Z
From Jonathan Lukens
15 plays
Getting Results Through Talent Management Q&A Session 1Zoom Recording ID: 91491030184 UUID: tK8w3ZDoSwKgzG5Y/7eHfw== Meeting Time: 2021-12-09T15:54:39Z
From Amanda Garcia
3 plays
Learning together online: E-learning for extension and outreach - Discussion boards (short clip)Circa 2006 - short clip from Learning together online focusing on the value of social interactions in online courses.
From Paul Treadwell
2 plays
Learning together online: E-learning for extension and outreach (short clip)Video circa 2006- An early discussion about e-learning at Cornell Cooperative Extension.
From Paul Treadwell
5 plays
China Agricultural UniversityZoom Recording ID: 96524215539 UUID: g4fplvykRBeg0963aFVHRg== Meeting Time: 2021-08-17T11:46:49Z
From Kathleen Landy
10 plays
CIS - Instructional Space Focus Group meetingZoom Recording ID: 95795723500 UUID: 7xfw9HiNR+q1X4kNYeZrjg== Meeting Time: 2021-04-30T18:14:18Z
From Susan Evans
8 plays