Search for tag: "schools"

ORIE Colloquium on 12/14/2021 – Faidra Monachou (Stanford)

Zoom Recording ID: 96668902145 UUID: lIE40i2iQ/CnQ3yb/KFhUA== Meeting Time: 2021-12-14T15:28:31Z

From  E. Cornelius 7 plays

PAMUK Theory capabilities PARADIM 2021 User meeting (MRS conference)

Zoom Recording ID: 95787656050 UUID: tYzB48zETzmUuzPJy9+Yaw== Meeting Time: 2021-12-01T23:08:10Z

From  James Overhiser 8 plays

PARADIM Summer School 2021: Closing

PARADIM Summer School 2021 Materials Growth and Design - Frustrated and Quantum Magnetism: Closing

From  Brenda Fisher 6 plays

03-26-2021 - Andrew Tisch

Zoom Recording ID: 94129232542 UUID: ECEyN3DaRKC30SWMKLggvQ== Meeting Time: 2021-03-26T17:09:06Z

From  Anitra Garcia 107 plays

Noliwe Rooks - Revisiting a Dilemma: Segregation, Public Education, and the American Presidency

From  Kenny Berkowitz 51 plays

TLE: Oct 6 - Method Series, Chelsea Rule

Zoom Recording ID: 97234281047 UUID: lE4gTwqZS+GkY+9188qVZw== Meeting Time: 2020-10-06T15:44:56Z

From  Tracy Gavich 11 plays

Panel Discussion on the Impacts of COVID-19

Participants: Robert Frank, Juan Hinestroza, Gary Koretzky, and David Silbey The coronavirus has left an indelible imprint on the fabric of society and scholarship. From medicine to marketing,…

From  Kenny Berkowitz 171 plays

SUNY Ulster Vice President Emerita Ann Marrott

Zoom Recording ID: 872156419 UUID: E4SucOeoRBK2GGH9aBK8iw== Meeting Time: 2020-05-18T17:51:40Z

From  Chris O'Neal 17 plays

4-29-2020NEAFAStressManagementWebinar - partial recording - SD 480p

NY FarmNet's outreach director, Kate Downes, and family consultant, Brenda O'Brien partnered with the North East Agribusiness & Feed Alliance to talk about stress management techniques…

From  Kate Downes 29 plays

Improving Food and Nutritional Security for the Global South: The Genetic Improvement of Maize and Cassava with Smallholder Farmers

Prof. Mike Gore, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, December 17, 2017

From  Jennifer Wright 19 plays

Shalloway retirement party

From  Joan Olson 32 plays

10. Sabine Haenni, Time Lapse & City Symphonies

From  jrp354 60 plays

11. Juan-Jacques Aupiais, Parallel Globalizations

From  jrp354 44 plays

14. Alexis Radisoglou, (Anti-)Realism for the Anthropocene

From  jrp354 143 plays

04 - How Low-Poverty Neighborhoods Matter: Assumptions, Adaptation, and Agency - DeLuca, Rhodes, Young

The Sixth Biennial Urie Bronfenbrenner Conference An Equal Start: Policy and Practice to Promote Equality of Opportunity for Children October 25-26, 2018 Section: Making the Safety Net Work for…

From  Carrie Chalmers 63 plays

07 - Promoting Equality of Educational Opportunity by Investing Early - Watts, Raver

The Sixth Biennial Urie Bronfenbrenner Conference An Equal Start: Policy and Practice to Promote Equality of Opportunity for Children October 25-26, 2018 Section: Education and Equality of…

From  Carrie Chalmers 17 plays