The Finger Lakes are full of great natural history, and summer is an especially good time to explore outdoors. In this webinar, we’ll investigate some of the creatures that live around…
Bob Bland joined the faculty in ORIE at Cornell in 1978 as an assistant professor. He was promoted to associate professor in 1981 and professor in 1987. He served as Director of the School of…
Three projects will be described exploiting digital signal processing in analysis of images of art that reveal manufactured features in their support materials:
1) Thread count patterns among…
Monday, April 21, 2014 at 4:15pm
Upson Hall, B17
Fulkerson Lectures: Dimitris Bertsimas (MIT) - Health Care Analytics
In this talk we present an analytics approach to a) personalized diabetes…
George A. Bonanno, Columbia University October 3, 2013 The conference aimed to close the gap between two burgeoning fields of research at the intersection of aging, emotion, and health. On the one…