Search for tag: "york"
Geospatial Analysis - Mapping Census Data in RGIthub page. file named 'Geospatial 2.Rmd' is the coding file for the session. Fill out evaluation here. Schedule a consultation …
From Jacob Grippin
16 plays
Geospatial Analysis: Introduction to Mapping in RGithub Link Fill out evaluation form here. Schedule a consultation There are many free resources that you can use for further…
From Jacob Grippin
37 plays
CCE Chemung Solar Workshop 2023 Session III: Solar Farm Contract ConsiderationsShould we solarize Chemung? A community conversation on solar in Chemung County. Session III panelists: Scott Moore (EMC) – Scott D. Moore Law Office Dwight E. Kanyuk, Attorney at Law…
From Elizabeth Melville
28 plays
CCE Chemung Solar Workshop 2023 Session II: Solar Farm ConsiderationsShould we solarize Chemung? A community conversation on solar in Chemung County. Session II panelists: Kevin Meindl – Chemung County Planning Janet Thigpen (Water…
From Elizabeth Melville
17 plays
Tom O’Rourke: Canarsie Tunnel"Thought Leaders on Infrastructure" video series: In this video, Associate CPIP Director and Recipient of the 2022 Cornell Infrastructure Award, Professor Tom O’Rourke explains the…
From Olga Petrova
25 plays
Cornell Tech Recognition Ceremony 2023Zoom Recording ID: 92901982000 UUID: iJtdH41xTx6LSRl3qtpGKA== Meeting Time: 2023-05-20 12:23:24pmGMT
From William Streleckis
241 plays
Gina Park: Drayage Trucks"Thought Leaders in Infrastructure" Video Series presents -- In this video, Ph.D. candidate Gina Park talks about her research into the Clean Truck Program, and how it shows that the…
From Olga Petrova
38 plays
CoE Coffee, Coaching & Connections: How to pitch to venture capital investors and acquire fundingPresented by the New York State Center of Excellence for Food and Agriculture at Cornell AgriTech, CoE Coffee, Coaching & Connections is a monthly series highlighting industry and academic…
From Jacob Pucci
32 plays
NYS 529 College Savings | Open Enrollment 2022A webinar outlining the NY's 529 College Savings Programs available to employees at Cornell. Held virtually during Benefair 2022.
From Gerald Deis
12 plays
RetirementGuard | Open Enrollment 2022A presentation of Retirement Guard, available to Cornell Endowed Employees. Presented as part of Benefair 2022.
From Gerald Deis
4 plays
2022 CIDA Symposium Session 4: “Development, translation, and adoption of digital agriculture in NYS and beyond”Moderators: Yu Jiang, Assistant Professor, School of Integrative Plant Science Horticulture Section, Cornell University and Katie Gold, Assistant Professor, School of Integrative Plant Science Plant…
From Gabriela Cestero
5 plays
Social Determinants of Health and Emergency Medical Services - Marnen DeckerMarnen Decker is a senior in the College of Human Ecology majoring in Global and Public Health Sciences with minors in Biometry and Statistics and Fashion Studies. She is passionate about social…
From Catherine Wambura
14 plays
Regional Ag Team Presentation.BOD4.29.22Zoom Recording ID: 92029875054 UUID: KU8lfrx8S1yoRtlIGgCC1A== Meeting Time: 2022-04-28 09:23:46pm
From Andrea Lista
3 plays
Tick Presentation by Joellen Lampman, IPM Feb. 22, 2022Zoom Recording ID: 94111174004 UUID: vsao8LHvQKyWhm4epdMTTQ== Meeting Time: 2022-02-22 04:48:59pm
From Carole Henry
73 plays
Morning_Session_(HD_1080_-_WEB_(H264_4000))Steve Kyle - National Economy Chris Wolf & Mark Stephenson - Dairy Brad Rickard & Miguel Gomez - Fruits & Vegetables Richard Stup - NY Agriculture Carson Reeling - Food Industry
From Michelle Cranston
30 plays